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From Edward III to Victoria ,




Five Guinea Pieces from Charles II to George II ; Five Pound Pattern Pieces of George III, George IV, William IV, and Victoria ; and a large Tankard and two Goblets, mounted with English Silver Coins ;






Fine Examples of Neapolis, Syrakuse, Gela, Philistis, Thasos, Philip II, Athens, AEgina, a Shekel of the Fourth Year, &c.


Including Specimens in fine condition of Pompeius Magnus, J ulius Ceesar, M. Antonius and Cleopatra, Matidia, Paulina, and others ;


Large , Middle and Small Bronze Coins of the Imperial Series , jEs Gravae , Commemorative Medals, fyc. fyc.




Auctioneers of Xiterarp ^ropertp anfi 0<3orfcs tllustrattbe of tf)c June Arts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On FRIDAY, the 15th day of JULY, 1892,


May be Viewed Two Days prior. Catalogues may be had.

Dryden Press: J. Davy and Sons, 137, Long Acre, London.


I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute.

II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so on in proportion.

III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the

auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller.

IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode,

and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold.

V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description.

VI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer’s expense, imme¬

diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter.

VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the

money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for , all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale.

Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale, may have their Com¬ missions faithfully executed by their humble Servants,


13, Wellington Street, Strand, London.







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From Edward III to Victoria, lot

1 Edward III, Noble, Rax. ApGL. Dps. hYB. AQ. rev.

TRApSiapS: MaDlV: fine 1

2 Richard II, Noble, obv. legend , RiaARD. Dai. GRA. Rax.

ApGL. DpS. hlB. ,g. aqt. Flag at stern of ship, fine and rare 1

3 Henry VI, Noble, Annulet coinage, Annulets below King’s

wrist, and in spandril under ipa. Trefoil stops on obv. and annulets on rev., an extremely fine specimen 1

4 Henry VI, Noble, another of same variety as preceding,

very fine 1

5 Henry VI, Noble, also as lot 3 1

6 Edward IV, Rose Noble, of usual types, rev. reading AVT.

TRApSiap and plBAT., m. rn. crown , fine 1

7 Henry VII, Angel, m. m. cross-crosslet, two pellets in upper

angles of that of reverse, fine and uncommon 1

8 Henry VIII, Half-Sovereign, m. m. pellet in circle, obv.

King facing, seated on throne and holding orb and Sceptre, rev. crowned Shield of Royal Arms, supported by lion and dragon I


9 Edward VI, Half-Sovereign, obv. m.m. Y. youthful crowned Bust to R. rev. m. m. Y. between rose and escallop, roses between words, fine and rare 1

10 Mary, Sovereign, obv. MARIA. D.G. ANG. FRA. Z. HIB.

REGINA. MDLIII. pomegranate after Maria , seated figure of the Queen facing, portcullis below her feet, rev. A. DNO. FACTY. EST. ISTY. Z. EST. MIRA. IN. OCVL. NRIS, large Rose with royal shield of arms in centre, fine and very rare 1

11 Elizabeth, Sovereign, of same types as coin in preceding lot,

m.m. both sides, tun, fine and rare 1

12 James I, Sovereign, of same types as two preceding coins,

but with figure of King enthroned on obv., m. m. escallop, a very fine specimen 1

13 James I, Sovereign, m. m. thistle head, obv. half-length

crowned figure of the King, rev. crowned Shield of royal arms between I.R., the Scotch arms in first quarter of shield, fine 1

14 Charles I, Three-pound Piece, Oxford, 1644, obv. m.m.

plumes, CAROLVS. D.G. MAG. BRI. FRA. ET. HIBER. REX., crowned half-length figure of King to right, holding sword and laurel branch, rev. EXVRGAT. DEYS. &c. and RELIG. PROT. LEG. ANG. LIBER. PAR. in centre, three plumes and numerals III. above and 1644. OXON. below, a very perfect specimen 1

15 Commonwealth, Broad, 1653, very fine and rare 1

16 Cromwell, Broad, 1656, struck by Blondeau from dies

engraved by Simon, brilliant and very rare 1

17 Charles II, Five-guinea Piece, 1668, YICESIMO, elephant

below Bust, fine and rare 1

18 Charles II, Five-guinea Piece, 1669, YICESIMO-PRIMO. 1

19 Charles II, Five-guinea Piece, 1676, YICESIMO OCTAVO.,

very fine 1

20 Charles II, Five-guinea Piece, 1684, TRICESIMO-SEXTO.,

elephant and castle below Bust, rare 1

21 James II, Five-guinea Piece, 1687, TERTIO, very fine and

rare 1

22 William III and Mary, Five-Guinea Piece, 1692, QUARTO.

very fine and rare 1


23 William III, Five-guinea Piece, 1701, DECIMO. TERTIO.,

very fine and rare 1

24 Anne, Five-guinea Piece, 1706, QVINTO. very fine and rare 1

25 Anne, Five-guinea Piece, 1711, DECIMO. fine 1

26 George I, Five-guinea Piece, 1716, SECVNDO. fine, and very

rare 1

27 George II, Five-guinea Piece, 1729, TERTIO. young Head,

very fine 1

28 George II, Five-guinea Piece, 1753, VICESIMO. SEXTO, old

Head, fine 1

29 George III, Pattern Five-pound Piece, 1820, obv.

GEORGIUS. III. D.G. BRITANNIAR. REX. F.D. 1820, Laureate Head to right, PISTRVCCI in small letters below truncation, rev. St. George and the Dragon, PISTRVCCI in small letters to left, and W.W.F. on ground near broken shaft of spear, the edge inscribed DECUS. ET. TUTAMEN. ANNO. REGNI. LX. of excessive rarity , brilliant 1

30 George III, Sovereign, 1818 ; Half Guinea, 1813 ; Seven¬

shilling Piece, 1800 ; and Quarter Guinea, 1762 4

31 George IV, Pattern Five-pound Piece, 1826, very rare.

This specimen is unfortunately holed and plugged. The figure 8 in date, and cross of orb on crown, restored 1

32 William IV, proof in gold of the pattern crown of


F.D., bare Head to right, W.W. on truncation, rev. Shield of Royal Arms on mantling, surmounted by a crown, below ANNO. 1831, of excessive rarity , brilliant , plain edge 1

33 Victoria, Pattern Five-pound Piece of 1839, by W. Wyon,

rev. Una and the lion, brilliant and very rare 1

34 A Silver Tankard, mounted with 37 English Coins

from William I to Victoria inclusive, by J. Hennell ; also a Pair of Silver Goblets to match , one set with 25 Coins of George III, the other with 25 coins of Victoria, gross weight 57 J ozs.



Cbe Cabinet of Choice ©reefe, IRomait 8. tEnglisb




36 Draclmi of Massilia, obv. Head of Artemis, rev.

MA33IAIHTON. Lion ; Romano-Campanian Didrachms with obv. Head of Herakles, rev. Wolf and twins; obv. Head of Roma, rev. Victory ; obv. Head of Mars, rev. horse’s Head ; and obv. youthful Janiform Heads, rev. ROMA ( incuse letters) and Jupiter in quadriga, all very fine 5

37 Neapolis, Didrachm, obv. Head of Parthenope to right, rev.

Androcephalous Bull crowned by flying Nike ; Tarentum, Didrachms (2), obv. Horseman to right, one with rev. Taras holding trident and cantharos, the other with Taras holding murex and two reeds ? Tarentum, Diobol, with rev. Herakles and Lion ; Velia, Didrachm, obv. Head of Pallas to right, rev. YEAHTON. Lion to right, caduceus above, all good coins 5

38 Metapontum, Didrachms (3), two of early incuse reverse

type with META, or ME! AT., and ear of bearded corn ; the third of late type, with Head of Demeter to right, and rev. META, ear of corn and star, one slightly broken 3

39 Neapolis, Didrachm, obv. Nymph’s Head to right, rev.

NEOnOAIT[ON. Androcephalous Bull ; Croton, Didrachm, of early thick type, obv. ?PO. Tripod with stork to right, rev. incuse Tripod ; Metapontum, Didrachm, obv. helmeted Head of Leukippos to right, Greyhound seated behind, rev. META, ear of corn with adjuncts a bird alighting on leaf, all fine, the last from the Brit. Mus. duplicates sale 3

40 Metapontum, HI, Didrachm, obv. Head of Demeter to left,

rev. META, ear of corn, pincers and ©A. ; Kaulonia, Early Didrachm, obv. KAYA. Apollo Hyakin&os to left


brandishing club, a small running figure in field over left arm, and a stag below ; Lokri Bruttii, Didrachm, obv. AOKPHN. Laureate Head of Zeus to left, rev. Eagle seizing a hare, fulmen and AP. in field, all very fine , the last from the Spar/ces Collection 3

41 Sybaris, Early Didrachm and Drachm, obv. Bull to left

looking backwards YM. ( = 3Y.) below, rev. same types incuse ; Bruttium, in genere, Ht, obv. Veiled Head of Thetis to right, rev. BPETTK2N. Poseidon standing with foot on rock to left, and holding sceptre and crab , all fine , the first from the B. M. dup. sale 3

42 Gold. Syrakuse, size 1 , obv. Head of Heraldes to left, rev.

^YPA. on divisions of incuse square having Head of Nike in centre ; Panormos (Siculo Punic), size \ , obv. Date Palm, rev. horse’s Head and Neck to right ; Panormos, or Carthage, size 1, obv. Head of Persephone, rev. Horse to right, looking backwards, all fine , the last rare 3

43 Agrigentum, HI, Tetradrachm, obv. AKPACANTO^. Eagle

to left, rev. Crab ; Didrachms (2), of similar types, reading AKPA ; and another, of earliest issue, reading AKPACANTO^, all good coins 4

44 Gela, HI, Tetradrachm and Didrachm, obv. CEAAX, fore¬

port of man-headed bull, rev. Biga to right, the Didrachm with rev. Armed horseman. Messana, HI, Tetradrachm, obv. ME^ANION., Hare bounding to right, dolphin beneath, rev. Biga of mules to right; Nike with fillet above and two dolphins in exergue, the last very fine 3

45 Leontium,Hl,Tetradrachms (2), onewith obv. AEONTINON.

Lion’s head and four barley grains, rev. Quadriga to right ; the other with obv. Laureate head of Apollo, and rev. as obv. of preceding coin, both very fine 2

46 Syrakuse, Tetradrachms (2), one of early type with beaded

diadem and hair of Nike shown by parallel lines ; the second of transitional style with pistrix in exergue of reverse ; and a Didrachm or Stater of Corinthi^p type, all good coins 3


47 Philistis, wife of Hieron II of Syrakuse, JR, obv. Veiled

portrait head of the Queen to left, a wreath behind, rev. BA2IAI22A2. $IAI2TIA0(2)., Quadriga to right, <P.

in field, very fine and rare 1

48 Thasos, Archaic Stater, obv. Satyr with nymph, rev. Incuse

design ; and a similar coin of Lete, obv. nude Satyr seizing a Nymph by the arm, both very fine and both from the Bank of England Collection 2

49 Lysimachos, King of Thracia, Tetradrachms (2), obv.

Deified head of Alexander the Great, rev. BA^IAEOX AY2IMAXOY., Pallas Nikephoros seated to left, various monograms in field, both fine 2

50 Thasos, Tetradrachms, obv. Head of Dionysos to right

wearing ivy wreath, rev. HPAKAEOY^. SOTHPO^. ©A^ION., Hercules standing to left ; Macedonia under the Romans, obv. MAKE . Deified head of Alexan¬

der the Great, rev. AESILLAS. Q., club, money chest and curule chair within a wreath, both very fine 2

51 Tetradrachmai of Thasos and Makedonia as in preceding

lot ; and a small coin of Thasos, obv. Kneeling Satyr, rev. Amphora, all fine 3

52 Makedonia, HI, Tetradrachm, obv. Head of Artemis in centre

of Makedonian Shield, rev. MAKEAONON. nPDTHS. AP. and club within a wreath of oak. Amphipolis, HI, Hemidrachm, obv. Laureate head of Apollo facing, rev. AM<I>inOAITEON. around a square containing a torch, the first very fine 2

53 Philip II of Macedonia, HI, Tetradrachm, obv. Laureate

head of Zeus to right, rev. <PIAIIinOY., Nude horseman to right carrying a long branch, N. in exergue and fulmen below horse, extremely fine 1

54 Philip II, Tetradrachm, types as preceding lot, but with a

Cantharos below horse, also very fine 1

55 Alexander the Great, GOLD STATER, obv. Head of Pallas to

right, rev. AAEEANAPOY. [B]A2lAEO[2]., Nike

standing to left, MI. and monogram in wreath in the field, very fine p


56 Alexander the Great, i- Stater, obv. Head of Pallas to

right, rev. AAEEANAPOY. between bow, club and fulmen, rare ; and a Tetradrachm of the same king, obv. Head of Herakles, rev. AAEEANAPOY., Zeus iEtophoros seated to left, HP. ( monogram ) in field, very fine * 2

57 Alexander the Great, Tetradrachms (3) of similar types to

last coin, with various monograms and adjuncts in field of rev., all very fine 3

58 Alexander the Great, Tetradrachms (2), one with high-

back to throne of Zeus, rare ; and a Drachm Obol and Hemi-obol of the same king, the latter small pieces rare 5

59 Philip III (Aridseos), Tetradrachm, and Drachm of Alex¬

ander’s types but reading <£IAinnOY. ; and a Hemi- drachm of Philip II or III, with rev. Nude horseman to right, all very fine 3

60 Antigonos Gonatas, HI, Tetradrachm, obv. Head of Pan in

centre of Makedonian buckler, rev. BA^IAEDX ANTirONOY., Athena Alkis combating to left, helmet and monogram in field, fine and rare 1

61 Korkyra, HI, Tetradrachm, obv. Cow suckling a calf, rev.

KOP. around double stellate design ; Dyrrachium, HI, with name of 4>IAON. and ©EOrENEO^. ; and small Coins of Argos, the Epirote Confederacy, and Histiaea, all fine 5

62 Boeotia, early Drachm, obv. Boeotian buckler, rev. Mill-sail

incuse ; and a later coin of Thebes, obv. Boeotian Shield, rev. 0. and Amphora, the first uncommon , the last very fine 2

63 Athens, Archaic Tetradrachms (2), obv. Helmeted head of

Athena to right, rev. A©E., Owl and olive sprig ; and a Hemi-Obol and Tetartemorion of same period, all very fine 4

64 Athens, Tetradrachm of later period, with obv. Head of

Athena Parthenos to right, wearing highly ornamental helmet, rev. A®E. Owl on Amphora, two monograms and


groups of snakes, tlie whole within a wreath of olive. Delos, early HI, Stater, obv. Two dolphins, one to left, the other to right, rev. early iEginetic incuse, the first fine , the last rare %

65 Sicyon, JR, Stater and Drachm, obv. Chimaera to left, rev.

Dove in laurel wreath, both fine, and from the Collection of Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe %

66 Corinth, early yR, Stater, obv. Head of Athena in incuse

square, rev. ? and flying pegasos ; an Obol with rev. Trident ; and a Corinthian Stater of Korkyra, obv. KOP., Head of Athena, amphora behind, rev. Pegasus, all very fine 3

67 HBgina, A i, Staters (2), one with row of large dots down

back of tortoise, and the other showing the natural markings of the shell ; and two Oboli, all fine 4

68 Sinope, Drachm, obv. Head of Nymph, rev. 2INO., Eagle

on dolphin ; Parium, Hemidrachm, obv. nAPI., Bull, rev. Gorgoneion ; Knidos, Drachm, obv. Forepart of lion, rev. Head of Aphrodite in incuse square ; and a Potin Coin of Mytilene, with obv. Two calves’ heads facing, all very fine 4

69 Hekta of Lesbos, El. obv. Forepart of winged boar to right,

rev. Lion’s head incavo, excessively fine ; from the Sparlces’ collection 1

70 Attalos I of Pergamum, Tetradrachm, obv. wreathed and

diademed Head of the Eunuch Philetairos to right, rev. <£>IAETAIPOY., Pallas seated to left holding shield in front, in field a bow and sphinx, and A. on throne, very fin q and very rare 1

71 Attalos II of Pergamum, JR, Tetradrachm, obv. diademed

Head of Philetairos to right, rev. Pallas seated to left holding a wreath, her shield resting against back of throne, in field A., ivy leaf and bow, rare and very fine 1

72 Ehodos, Didrachm, with Head of Helios facing, and rev.

MNA^IMAXOX PO. and rose ; and Hemidrachms of similar type or with Head of Helios in profile. Apamea, Cistophorus, obv. Cista Mystica in wreath of ivy, rev. AHA. ATTAAOY. TIMH., two entwined Snakes, all fine 4


73 Amyntas, Tetrarch of Galatia, JR, Tetradrachm, obv. hel-

meted Head of Pallas to right, rev. BA2IAED2. AMYNTOY., Nike to left carrying a filleted sceptre, very fine and rare 1

74 Aspendos, A l, Tetradrachm, obv. 2K. between two epheboi

wrestling, mj.E^TFEAIIY^., Slinger to right, triquetra in field. Mazaeus, Satrap of Kilikia., obv. Baal-Tars seated to left, Phoenician legend in field, rev. Lion attacking a bull, Phoenician legend over, both very fine 2

75 Antiochos I of Syria, ^$1, Tetradrachm, obv. diademed Head

of the King to right, rev. BA^IAEOX ANTIOXOY., nude Apollo seated on omphalos to left holding bow and arrow, AP. and HP. (monogram) in field, very fine 1

76 Antiochos I of Syria, Tetradrachm, as in preceding lot, also

very fine 1

77 Demetrios I of Syria, Tetradrachm, obv. diademed Head to

right, rev. BA2IAED2. AHMHTPIOY. SOTEPOX Tyche seated to left, two monograms in field and AEI. in exergue. Antiochos XI, Tetradrachm, obv. diademed Head to right, rev. Zeus Nikephoros seated to left, the last very fine 2

78 Demetrios II, Tetradrachm, minted at Tyre. obv. diademed

Head to right, rev. BA2IAED2. [AH]MHTPIOY., Eagle on rudder to left, in field monograms and badge of Tyre, very fine 1

79 Antiochos VII, Tetradrachm, obv. diademed Head to right,

rev. BA2IAEH2. ANTIOXOY. EYEPTETOY., Pallas Nikephoros standing to left, very fine 1

80 Side, Tetradrachm, obv. Head of Pallas, rev. KAEYX., Nike

flying to left. Tyre, obv. Head of Herakles to right, rev. TYPOY. IEPA2. KAI. AEYAOY., Eagle standing on rudder, monograms and badge in the field, both very fine 2

81 Aradus, Tetradrachm, obv. Head of Tyche, rev. APAAION.

Nike to left, date letters, A9P.=i 94, in field ; a Drachm of Ephesian types ; and an early Obol, all fine 3

82 Tarsos, Base HI, Tetradrachms (2), Post Alexandrine, obv .

Baal-Tars seated to left, rev. Lion to left, anchor, or HP and torch, in field. Late Sassanian Drachms (4) of Hor- misdas IV, Chosroes and Goterzes III, all fine 6


83 Judaea, Shekel of the fourth year of the first revolt of the Jews (usually attributed to Simon the Maccabee), obv. Jerusalem the holy,” in Judaeo-Phoenician characters, around the flowering rod of Aaron, rev. 11 Shekel of Israel.” and pot of manna, in field, above date letters, year 4,” extremely fine and rare 1

85 Artaxerxes I of Persia ( Drachm ?), and a similar Coin of

Sapor I, obv. of both , Bust of the King surrounded by Pehlevi legend, rev. Fire-altar, both charming specimens , and from the Sparkes collection %

86 Menander of Bactria, Drachmai (3), obv. BA^IAEH^.

2OTHP02. MENANAPOY., and Head of King wearing diadem or helmet, rev. Pehlevi Legend and Figure of Athena Alkis. Ptolemy I of Egypt, Tetradrachm, obv. diademed Head to right, rev. BA2JAEI2^. nTOAE- MAIOY., Eagle on fulmen to right, all very fine 4

87 Kyrene, N, size obv. youthful Head of Zeus Ammon, rev.

female Head to right ; Kartliage, A l, Drachm ; obv. Head of Persephone to left, rev. free Horse to right, solar emblem in field above, both very fine , and from the Sparkes collection 2


The numbers following the names are references to JBabelon’s Monnaies Consulates ,” or to Cohens Medailles Impe - rialesfi second edition.

88 Consular Denarii. Aburia, Babelon (1) ; Acilia(l);

Aelia (4); iEmilia (8, 10); Aquillia (1, 2); Caecilia (4, 4) ; Caesia (1), all very fine 10

89 Calpurnia (5, 24) ; Carisia (1, 2, 10); Cassia (6, 9, 10);

Claudia (13, 15), all very fine 10

90 Coelia (4) ; Considia (1); Cornelia (59) ; Cossutia (1);

Crepusia (1) ; Fabia (17) ; Fonteia (7) ; Fouria (18) ; Hosidia (1) ; Julia (‘26), several rather rare , all very fine 10

91 Julia (9, 10) ; Junia (8, 15, 20, 30); Licinia (18); Livi-

neia (13); Lucilia (1); Lucretia (2), all fine and un¬ common 10


92 Mamilia(6); Manlia(2,3); Marcia (24, 28) ; Minucia (19);

Mussidia (6, 7) ; Nonia (1) ; Norbana (2), all fine 10

93 Papia (1); Plaetoria (3); Plancia (1); Plautia (14);

Pompeia (1, 21) ; Pomponia(6); Porcia(lO); Procilia (2); Quinctia (6), the second coin of the Pompeia gens with impression of obverse types on reverse 10

94 Roscia(l); Scribonia (8) ; Sentia (1); Sicinia (5); Sul-

picia (1) ; Thoria (1) ; Tituria (1, 4) ; Vibia (2, 18); Volteia (2, 3), some rather rare , all fine 12

95 Denarii of the Antonia (2), Cassia, Claudia (2), Cloulia,

Cornelia, Fabia, Julia, Livinia, Lucretia, and Mallia families, all fine 12

96 Others of the Licinia, Minucia, Opimia, Poblicia (2 ), Pos-

tumia, Rubria, Servilia, Titia and Yolteia (2) families; and two incuse reverse Denarii of the Aemilia and Antonia gentes, all fine 13

97 Quinarii (6) of the Antonia and Porcia families ; M. Antony

and Lepidus, rev. LEP. IMP., Sacrificial insignia ; Au¬ gustus, rev. ASIA. RECEPTA. ; and of Vespasian and Titus, with reverse VICTORIA. AVGVST. and figure of Victory, all fine and rather rare 6

98 Imperial Denarii. Pompeius Magnus ( Cohen , 17), rev.

PRAEF. CLAS. ET. ORAE. MARIT. EX. S.C. ; Poseidon between Anapus and Amphinome Caius Cassius ( Coh . 4), rev. LENTVLVS. SPINT., Vase and Augural staff Julius Ca3sar (Cohen, 41 and 48), rev. P. SEPULLIVS. MACER., Venus Victrix, and rev. TI. SEMPRONIVS. GRAC- CVS. Q. DESIG. S.C., Military and eagle standards and plough, all very fine and rare 4

99 Denarii of Pompeius Magnus and Caius Cassius, as in pre¬

ceding lot; Julius Cmsar (3) as (Cohen, 34), M.METTIVS., Venus Victrix (Cohen, 39), P. SEPVLLIVS. MACER., Venus Victrix ; and {Cohen, 49), obv. Elephant, rev. Pontifical insignia, all very fine and rare 5

100 Julius Cmsar and M. Antonius, obv. Head of Julius, and

rev. Head of M. Antony (Cohen, 2); Lepidus and Octavius, obv. C. LEPIDVS. PONT. MAX. III. VIR. R. P.C., Head to right, rev. Ctesar, IMP. hi. VIR. R. P.C., Head to right (Cohen, 2), both very rare 2


101 M. Antonins, rev . M. Antony in pontifical robes to right

( Coh . 13) ; M. Antonius and Octavius (2) (Cohen, 8) ; and M. Antonius and Lucius Antonius, rev. L. ANTONIVS. COS., bare Head to right (Cohen, 2), all very fine and very rare ^

102 Cleopatra and M. Antonius (Coh. 1), ohv. CLEOPATEAE.

REGINAE. [REGV]M. FILIORVM. REGVM., diademed Head of Cleopatra to right, rev. ANTONI. ARMENIA. DEVICTA., Head of Antony to right, an unusually fine specimen of this rare denarius ; from the Sparkes’ collection 1

103 Augustus, Denarii, 8, rev. AVGVSTVS., Capricorn; CAESAR.

DIVI. F., Victory on globe ; IMP. CAESAR., trophy on triumphal arch ; IMP. X., Emperor seated on estrade ; S.P.Q.R., temple with chariot below ; S.P.Q.R. CL. Y. on shield ; and another with incuse obverse type on the reverse, all fine and rather rare 8

104 Tiberius (2), both with rev. PONTIF. MAXIM, and seated

figure of Livia ; Claudius (2), rev. PACI. AYGYSTAE., Nemesis to right, and rev. PRAETOR. RECEPT., with figure of Emperor grasping hand of soldier ; Nero (2), rev. SALVS. seated to left, and rev. PONTIF. MAX. &c., Mars standing to left, all fine 6

105 Tiberius and Drusus, Denarius, ohv. TI. CAES. AVG. P.M.

TR. P. XXXY. , laureate Head of Tiberius to right, rev. DRVSVS. CAES. TI. AYG. COS. II. TR. P., Head of Drusus to left, this extremely rare denarius, differing from those described by Cohen , is in fair condition only 1

106 Caligula and Augustus, rev. radiate Head of Augustus

between two stars (Coh. 11); Caligula and Germanicus, rev. GERMANICYS. CAES. P. C. CAES. AYG. GERM., Head of Germanicus to right (Cohen, 2), both very fine and rare 2

107 Claudius and Agrippina junior, Denarius, rev. AGRI]PPINAE.

AYGVSTAE., Corn-crowned bust of Agrippina to right ( Coh. 4), fine and very rare 1

108 Nero and Agrippina junior, Denarius, obv. Accolate busts

of Nero and his mother to right, rev. AGRIPPA. AVG. DIVI. CLAVD. NERONIS. CAES. MATER. EX. S.C., Nero and Agrippina on a car drawn by four elephants (Coh. 4), fine and very rare 1


109 Galba, Denarius, S.P.Q.R. OB. C. S. in oak wreath; Otho,

rev. PONT. MAX., Livia seated to left; Vitellius (2), rev. CONCORDIA. P.R., Concordia seated to left; and Vespasian, rev. ivdaea., below trophy and seated figure of captive Judaea, all very fine and rare 5

110 Galba, Denarii (2), rev. legends RENASC. ROMA, and SALYS.

GEN. HVMANI. ; Otho (2), rev. PAX. ORBIS. TERRARYM. and SECYRITAS. P.R. ; and Vitellius (2), rev. CONCORDIA, and FIDES. EXERCITVVM., all rare 6

111 Vespasianus (7), with rev. legends and types of AYGVR.

TRI. POT., sacrificial objects ; COS. VIII., eagle, prow or figure of Mars ; PONT. MAX. TR. P. COS. V., Emperor seated ; VESTA, standing, and one with Emperor in quadriga ; Titus (8), with rev. types of Tripod, Throne or Altar in quadriga, some brilliant 10

112 Domitianus (4), rev. PRINCIPI. IYVENTVTIS., Goat in

wreath, and others with figures of Minerva and Cavalier; Nerva (2), rev. Figures of iEquitas and Libertas Publica; and Trajan (8), with DANVVIVS.: VIA. TRAIANA., four relating to the Dacian campaign ; another with the column of Trajan; and another with PARTHICO. P.M. &c., and head of Sol to right, all fine and very interesting types 14

113 Trajanus(7), with figures of iEquitas, iEternitas, Emperor

on horseback, Hercules, Mars, Mars Victor and Spes ; Hadrianus (3), with figures of Asia, Germania and Africa, all rare types and very fine 10

114 Hadrianus (3), with LIBERAL. AVG, III., Emperor dis¬

tributing largesses; RESTITVTORI. GALLIAE., Emperor raising kneeling figure of Gallia, and SALVS. AYG. ; Sabina (3), with figures of Concordia, Venus Genetrix and Vesta, all very fine 6

115 Matidia, Denarius, obv. DIVA. MATIDIA. AVGVSTA., dia¬

demed Bust to right, rev. CONSECRATIO., Eagle to right ( Cohen , 5 ),fine and very rare 1

116 iElius (2), rev. Figure of Spes, and CONCORD. ; Antoninus

Pius (3), GENIVS. POP. ROMANI.; and COS. IIII., with figure of Hygieia, and clasped hands holding caduceus ; Faustina senior (2), with rev. types of Augusta and Concordias, all very fine 7


117 Marcus Aurelius (4) with rev. types of CLEM., dementia

standing ; FORT. RED., Fortuna seated ; PROV. DEOR., Providentia ; and another with seated figure of Roma Victrix. Faustina, junior (2), CERES, seated to left, and CONSECRATIO. Eagle to right. Lucius Yerus (3), CONSECRATIO., funeral pyre, Mars standing to right, and Victory writing VIC. PAR. on shield. Lucilla (3), IVNONI. LVCINAE., PYDICITIA., and VENVS. VICTRIX., all fine , some uncommon 12

118 Commodus (4), with figures of Fortuna Felix, the Emperor

seated, Victory seated, and a rare restoration by Gallienus, obv. DIVO. COMMODO., radiate head to right, rev. CONSECRATIO. Eagle. Crispina, rev. VENVS. stand¬ ing to left. Clodius Albinus (2), rev. ROMAE. AETERNAE. Roma seated, and FIDES. LEGION. COS. II. clasped hands holding an eagle standard, all very fine , the last two pieces very rare 7

119 Septimius Severus, obv. SEVERVS. PIVS. AVG. BRIT.,

Laureate Head to right, rev. VICTORIAE. BRIT., Victory walking to right, and holding palm branch and wreath ; and a similar coin of Geta, with obv. P. SEPT. GETA. PIVS. AVG. BRIT., Laureate Bust to right, rev. VICTORIAE. BRIT., Victory standing to left and hold¬ ing palm branch and wreath, two interesting coins re¬ ferring to the Roman Conquest of Britain, fine and rare 2

120 Septimius Severus (3), with reverse legends of Restitutor

Urbis ; Indulgentia Augg. in Carth. ; and another with trophy and captives. Julia Domna (3), with reverse types of Concordia, Vesta, and Venus Genetrix. Geta (5), all with varied reverse types 11

121 Caracalla (5), with varied reverses. Plautilla (2), with

reverse types of Concordise, iEternse, and Venus Victrix. Macrinus (2), rev. IOVI.CONSERVATORI., Jupiter standing, and P.M.T.R. P. II., &c., Abundantia standing to left, all very fine , some uncommon 9

122 Diadumenianus (2), rev. PRINC. IVVENTVTIS., the young

Csesar standing between 3 standards. Aquilia Severa, rev. CONCORDIA, standing to left and pouring libation on altar, all very fine , and all rare 3


123 Heliogabalus (4), two with reverse types of Sacerd. Dei.

Solis Elagab. and Invictus Sacerdos Aug. Julia Soasmias (2), with rev. Venus Cadestis. Julia Paula, rev. Concordia. Julia Maesa (2), with rev. Sseculi Felicitas and Pudicitia ; and Julia Mamasa (3), with Vesta and the Genii of Fecundity and public happiness, all fine 12

124 Severus Alexander (4), with varied reverses, and a

Denarius of Barbia Orbiana, with obv. SALL. BARBIA. ORBIANA. AVG. Diademed Head to right, rev. CONCORDIA. AAVGG. isic.fi Concordia seated to left ( var . Cohen 1), all fine , the last very rare 7

125 Maximinus (2), with rev. types of Pax standing ; Emperor

between two standards; Providentia, Victoria, and Fides Militum. Maximus (2), rev. PIETAS. AYG., Sacrificial utensils, and PRINC. IVYENTVTIS., all fine , the last two rare 7

126 Paulina, Denarius, obv. DIVA. PAVLINA., veiled Head to

right, rev. CONSECRATIO. the Empress carried up by a Peacock iCoh. 2), very fine and very rare 1

127 Balbinus, Denarius, with rev. FIDES. MVTVA. AVGG., two

clasped hands ; and a similar coin of Pupienus, with rev. AMOR. MYTVVS. AYGG. and same device, both very fine and very rare 2

The following lots of Denarii are of more or less base silver .

128 Gordianus Pius (3). Philip senior (4), two with reverses

referring to the secular games. Otacilia (2). Philip, junior (2). Trajanus Decius (2), and Etruscilla (2), fine and very carefully selected specimens 15

129 Herennius Etruscus (2). Trebon. Gallus (3). Hostilianus

(2) . Volusianus (4). iEmilianus (3). Valerianus

(3) . Gallienus (3). Salonina ; and Saloninus (2), also

fine carefully selected coins 23

130 Mariniana (2), both with obv. DIVAE. MARINIANAE.,

Diademed and veiled Bust to right, rev. CONSECRATIO., Peacock facing ; and rev. CONSECRATIO., Empress carried up on back of Peacock, both rare , one extremely fine 2


131 Diocletian, fine M, with reverse VIRTVS. MILITVM. and four soldiers sacrificing in front of camp gates. Siliqua?, &c., of Constans, Julian the Apostate, Valens, Gratianus, and Magnus Maximus, the first and last coins very fine and rare 6


132 iEs. LIBRALIS. and its divisions, semis, triens, quadrans,

sextans, and uncia, a very good set 6

133 Large Brass. Nero Drusus, rev. Tl. CLAYDIVS. CAESAR.

AYG. P.M. TR. P. IMP. S.C., Claudius seated on a trophy of arms ( Coh . 8). Agrippina, senior, rev. Carpentum. Nero, rev. DECVRSIO. (Coh. 94). Galba, CONCORD. AYG. S.C. (Coh. 23). Vespasianus, rev. ROMA, S.C. Domitianus, rev. S. C., Emperor crowned by Victory. Trajan (3), with reverse types of Pax, Felicitas, and Mars Victor, some fine 9

134 Nero, rev. ROMA. S.C., Roma seated on cuirass to left,

holding sword and victory; behind, two Shields (Coh. 262). Galba, rev. LIBERT. AYG. S.C., Libertas standing to left (as Cohen , 125), but reading SER. GALBA. IMP., both very fine 2

135 Trajan, rev. S.P.Q.R. &c., Emperor on horseback spearing

prostrate foe, very fine. Hadrian (3), with rev. types, Mars, Neptune, and Felicity (British Museum dup. sale). Antoninus Pius (2), rev. TIBERIS. S.C., the River-god recumbent to left, and rev. DIYO. PIO. and altar. Faustina senior, rev. VENERI. AVGYSTiE, Venus standing to left, several fine, and rather rare 7

136 Marcus Aurelius, rev . SALYTI. AVGYSTOR. TR.P. XVI.

COS. III., Hygieia to left. Faustina, junior, rev. Fecund. Augusts., Genius of Fecundity standing to front. Lucius Verus, rev. CONSECRATIO., Eagle on globe. Commodus (2), rev. YOTA. SYSCEP. DECEN. &c., Emperor sacrificing ; and another with VICT. BRIT, in exergue, Victory reclining on trophy of arms and holding shield, some fine and rare 5


137 Didius Julianus, a fair specimen. Julia Domna, rev. MAT.

AVGG. MAT. SEN. M. PATR., Julia seated to left. Cara- calla, rev. Securitati Perpetuae, S.C., Securitas seated to right. Geta, rev. pontif. tr. P. II. COS. II., Caracalla and Geta sacrificing at altar. Julia Mamaea, rev. Veneri Felici, Venus to right. Severus Alexander, rev. Provi- dentia standing to left. Maximinus (2), rev. Victoria Germanica, and Salus Augusti, some fine and rare 8

138 Maximus, rev. PRINCIPI. IVVENTVTJS. S.C. Balbinus, rev.

P.M. tr. P. COS. II. p.p. s.C. Gordianus Africanus Senior, rev. PROVIDENTIA. AVGG. S.C., the two first very fine and patinated , the last very rare 3

139 Balbinus, ohv. IMP. CAES. D. CAEL. BALBINVS. AYG.

Laureate head to right, rev. LIBERALITAS. AYGVSTORYM. S.C., Balbinus, Pupienus and Gordianus Pius seated upon a tribunal to left, to the right a soldier holding a spear; to the left Liberalitas holding a tessera, and a soldier mounting the steps of the tribunal ( Coh . 13) ; this very rare coin is from the historical Strawberry Hill sale , and is in very good condition 1

140 Trajanus Decius, M Medallion, rev. FELICITAS. SAECVLI.

S. C., Felicitas standing to left, very fine and rare 1

141 Gordianus Pius Ccesar , obv. M. ANT. GORDIANVS. CAES.

Bust of the young Caesar to right, rev. PIETAS. AYGG. S.C., Sacrificial insignia, a very pleasing coin 1

142 Gordianus Pius, rev. Jovi Conservatori, S.C. Philippus

Senior, rev. SALUS. AUGG. S.C. Philippus Junior (2), rev. SAECULARES. AUGG. and PRINCIPI. JUVENTUTIS. Trajanus Decius, rev. PANNONIAE. S. C. Herennius Etruscus, rev. PRINCIPI. JUVENTUTIS. S. C. Valerianus Senior, rev. FIDES. MILITUM ; and Postumus, rev. P.M.T.R.P. COS.... S.C., Mars standing to left, several fine and rather rare

143 Middle Brass. Julius Caesar and Octavius, obv. divos.

IVLIVS., Head of Julius, rev. CAESAR. DIVI. F., Head of Octavius. Augustus (3), rev. PROVIDENT. S. C. and altar ; and another with rev. IMP. T. VESP. AVG. REST. S.C.,' Victory carrying a shield inscribed s. P. Q. R., rare ;


Li via with head of PIETAS. Agrippa (2), rev. S. C. and figure of Neptune ; and another with same figure and IMP. t. VESP. AVG. REST. S.C., all well preserved, the last very rare 7

144 Tiberius, rev. Pontif. Maxim. Tribun. Potest. XVIII. S. C.

Livia seated. Claudius, rev. S.C. and figure of Pallas Pugnans. Titus, rev. Felicitas Publica, Felicity stand¬ ing. Hadrian (2), with rev. legends ALEXANDRIA. S. C. or AEGYPTOS. S. C., and recumbent figures of the city and province, all very fine, three beautifully patinated 5

145 Tiberius, rev. S. C. and legend ending POTEST. XXIY. An¬

tonia, rev. figure of Claudius to left. Drusus (2), with S. C. and titles on reverse. Germanicus, rev. S. C. and name and titles of Claudius. Caligula, rev. S. C. VESTA seated to left. Claudius (2), rev. CONSTANTIAE. AVGVSTI. S. C., figure of Mars, and LIBERTAS. AYGYSTA. S. C., figure of Liberty, some very fine 8

146 Nero (4), with temple of Janus, Apollo Musagetes, Se¬

curitas and Victory, the last two found in