•SCrV- a gtturgp HYMNS CJmrd) £>untag £>rt)ooIsu LONDON: (ftfiurcf) of SnglanH SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE, 169, FLEET STREET. EXPLANATORY NOTE ON THE OPENING SERVICE. The design of the Compilers has been to make the Divine institution of the Day of Rest, as recognised in the Decalogue, the prominent truth presented to the minds of the young at the commencement of every Lord's Day; and then to lead them on, in the Sunday Morning Hymn which follows, to mark the peculiar characteristics of the Christian Sabbath ; embodying the topics of the second verse of the hymn in the versicles succeeding. It need scarcely be remarked, that the directions provided are intended for use only so far as in each school it may be judged expedient to follow them. Suntorj i^forntrtg. OPENING OF THE SCHOOL. The Teachers and Scholars standing up in their respective Classes, the Superintendent shall say, God spake these words, saying: — Bemember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work : but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man- servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gates : for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it. (Exod. xx. 1,8—11.) Scholars. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to leep this law. 4 A LITURGY FOR Superintendent. This is the day which the Lord hath made. Sch. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Then shall be sung the following SUNDAY MORNING HTMN. Come, and let us hail the dawning Of our Saviour's rising day : Let us hail the happy morning, When his people first could say, " He is risen : " He is risen, Let us sing as well as they. Come, and let us seek the blessing Which He gives his saints to-day ; Peace to all, their sins confessing, Grace to help them to obey ; He is waiting, He is waiting Now to hear us : Let us pray. Then shall all say after the Superintendent, Our Father, which art in heaven: hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the king- CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 5 dom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. to. Sup. Lord, hear onr prayer, Sch. And let our cry come unto Thee. Sup. Remember, 0 Lord, thy tender mercies, Sch. For they have heen ever of old. Sup. Remember not the sins of our youth. Sch. But pardon our iniquity, for it is yreat. Sup. Lead us in thy truth, and teach us. Sch. For thou art the God of our sal- vation. Sup. Hold up our goings in thy paths, Sch. That our footsteps slip not. Sup. Hear us, 0 Lord, for thy mercy is great. Sch. And bless us this day, for Christ our Saviours salce. Then may be read, if it be thought Jit, a short portion of j^olp Scripture ; after which shall follow these prayers — the first for a blessing on the Teachers, the second for a blessing on the Scholars : Suj). Most merciful Father, send down upon thy servants, the teachers in this school, thy heavenly blessing. Grant that thy word in their mouths may never be spoken in vain, 6 A LITURGY FOE and that in all their words and deeds they may seek thy glory, and the increase of thy kingdom. Sch. Lord, hear this prayer, for Christ our Saviour's sake. Sup. 0 Lord, who never failest to help and govern them whom thon dost bring up in thy steadfast fear and love; give thy blessing to all who are taught in this Sunday School; make them obediently to follow whatsoever in thy Holy Word they now shall learn. Let them alway be in safety under thy protection, and abide in thy love unto their lives' end. Sch. Lord, hear this prayer, for Christ our Saviours sake. Then shall the Superintendent say, The blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be upon us this day, and for ever. Slmcru CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 5urrtJag fftommcj* CLOSE OF THE SCHOOL. The Teachers and Scholars standing up in their respective Classes, the Superintendent shall give out a Hymn, and afterwards the following shall be said : Sup. I was glad when they said unto me, We will go into the house of the Lord. Sch. We will fall low on our lenees before his footstool. Sup. The Lord is nigh unto all that call upon Him. Sch. Unto all that call upon Him in truth. Then shall follow these prayers — the first for a bless- ing in public worship, the second for a blessing on the hearing of God's word: Sup. Most Holy God, we now are going to thy house: grant that there we may draw nigh unto Thee, and be graciously accepted in' thy sight. Look not only upon us, but upon all others who either here or elsewhere call upon thy name. Lord, pardon cur sins, pity 8 A LITURGY FOR our weakness, enlighten and sanctify us by thy Holy Spirit; and grant us so to serve and worship Thee here below, that at last we may be received into thy presence, to praise and glorify Thee for evermore. Sch. &mm. Sup. And grant, 0 Lord, that by thy Holy Word, which shall be read and preached this day, we, and all who hear, may both perceive and know what things we ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to fulfil the same, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sch. &mm. Then shall the Superintendent say, Now unto the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only wise God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be honour and glory for ever and ever, ^mctt. CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Suntjag Iftrtnoon. OPENING OF THE SCHOOL. The Teachers and Scholars standing up in their respective Classes, after a Hymn has been sung, the Superintendent shall say, Hear the words of the Gospel : — " They brought young children to Christ, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not : for of such is the kingdom of God. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them." — Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us. Sch. 0 Son of David, have mercy upon us. Sup. 0 Saviour of the world, who by thy cross and precious blood hast redeemed us; Sch. Save us, and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, 0 Lord. 10 A LITURGY FOR Then shall follow these prayers — the first for pardon of sin; the second for the gift of the Holy Spirit; the third for a blessing on the Teachers and Scholars: Sup. 0 Lord, we beseech Thee, mercifully hear our prayers, and spare all those who con- fess their sins unto Thee: that they whose consciences by sin are accused, by thy merci- ful pardon may be absolved. Sch. Spare us, good Lord. Sup. 0 God, forasmuch as without Thee we are not able to please Thee, mercifully grant that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts. Sch. 0 God, make clean our hearts within us. Sup. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, look down in mercy on all who teach, and on all who learn, in this Sunday School; pardon and deliver us from all our sins ; confirm and strengthen us in all goodness ; and bring us to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sch. amm. Then shall the Superintendent say, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, have mercy upon us; save us now and evermore. QmtXi* CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOLS. .Stmtiag gftcmotm. CLOSE OF THE SCHOOL. After a Hymn has been sung, and an address, or other general instruction, has been delivered {if such be usual), the Teachers and Scholars shall stand up in their respective Classes, and the fol- lowing shall be said: Sup. Lift up your hearts. Sch. Lord, teach us to pray. Sup. Almighty God, -we make our humble supplications unto Thee : let thy fatherly hand ever be over us: let thy Holy Spirit ever be with us: and so lead us in the knowledge of thy word, that in the end we may obtain ever- lasting life. Sch. Lord, hear this prayer, for Christ our Saviours sake. Sup. Be merciful, 0 Lord, to thy servants, the teachers in this school : and daily increase in them the manifold gifts of grace, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and true godliness. Sch. Lord, hear this prayer, for Christ our Saviour's sake. 12 A LITURGY FOR Sup. Defend, 0 Lord, these children with thy heavenly grace, that they may continue thine for ever, and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit more and more, until they come to thy everlasting kingdom. Sch. Lord, hear this prayer, for Christ our Saviour's sake. Sup. Eememher, 0 Lord, the parents of these scholars, and all their brothers, sisters, and friends : may they so live together in this life, that in the world to come they may have life everlasting. Sch. Lord, hear this prayer, for Christ our Saviours sake. Sup. Look down, 0 Father of mercies, on any of those who are dear to us, and who are now in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity.* Send them help and comfort from thy holy place. Sch. Lord, hear this prayer, for Christ our Saviour's sake. Sup. Have pity, 0 God, on all poor children yet living in ignorance and sin : show to them * If any teacher or scholar being absent by reason of affliction, has sent to beg the prayers of the school, then say, "Especially tby servant the teacher," or "Especially A. B." (naming the child), "who now desires our prayers." CHURCH SUXDAY SCHOOLS. 13 the light of thy truth, and guide their feet into the way of peace. Sch. Lord , hear this prayer, for Christ our Saviour's saJ:e Then shall be said this prayer for unity : Sup. 0 God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, the Prince of Peace ; take away from among us whatever may hinder us from godly union and concord ; that so we may all be of one heart, and of one soul, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sch. <3mcn. Then shall all sing this Doxology : To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost The God whom we adore; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. Then shall the Superintendent say, Unto God's gracious mercy and protection we commit you: the Lord bless you and keep you : the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you. and give you peace. %VMtl, 14 GENERAL PRAYERS. 0mcral $ragcrs. A PRAYER ON GOING INTO SCHOOL. 0 gracious God, I am come to this place to hear and learn thy word. Lord, teach thou me. Let thy good Spirit guide me in thy truth, and keep me in the way of life, for Christ my Saviour's sake. ^meit. A PRAYER ON GOING INTO CHURCH. Almighty God, thine eye is on me now. Help me to worship Thee in truth : keep my heart from vain and wicked thoughts while I am in this holy place : make me to hear thy word with fear and love, and let me find, 0 Lord my God, that it is good for me to wait on Thee, through Jesus Christ my Saviour. A PRAYER BEFORE LEAVING CHURCH. Thanks be to Thee, 0 my God, for all thy many mercies. Thanks he to thee for thy GENERAL PRAYERS. 15 house of prayer, and for thy blessed word. Pardon, 0 Lord, all that has been wrong in me while I have been here ; and grant that now I may go from this place with thine own Spirit to keep me in thy ways, for the sake of Jesus my Saviour. Utticn. A MORNING PRATER FOR A YOUNG CHILD. Praise the Lord, 0 my soul, and all that is within me, praise his holy name. Thanks be to thee, 0 Lord, for all thy care of me and all thy goodness to me : look upon me, Lord, this day. For Christ my Saviour's sake, give me thy Holy Spirit; keep me from bad thoughts, bad tempers, bad words and deeds. Forgive me all my sins, and help me to do the things that please Thee for the time to come. Bless, 0 Lord, my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who love me ; make us all to serve Thee now, and bring us all to dwell with Thee for ever. I ask these mercies, for Jesus Christ's sake. &mnt. 16 GENERAL PRAYERS. A PRAYER FOR A YOUNG CHILD AT NIGHT. Lord God Almighty, hear my prayer this night. Thou hast kept me through another day: Blessed he thy holy name. Forgive, 0 my God, all that has been evil in me this clay. Pardon all my sins for Jesus Christ thy dear Son's sake. Create in me a clean heart, 0 God; and renew a right spirit within me. Teach me to do thy will : make me to be like my Saviour, and day by day give me more of thy Holy Spirit. And now this night take care of me, and of all who are dear to me. Let no harm happen to our bodies. Let no bad thoughts hurt our souls. 0 . Lord, keep and bless us now and evermore, for thy Son Jesus Christ's sake. &men. J. & W. Rider, Printers, 14, Bartholomew Close, London. Upmns JFor €buvtb ^unbap &iI)qqI& LONDON: ffifjurci) cf iEnQlanU SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE, 169, FLEET STREET. [Entered at Stationers' Hall.'] Arrangement of «u6ject0. HYMN The Lord's Day 1—6 The Sundav School 7—10 Close of School 11—14 The Holy Scrip- tures 15—19 God the Father. . 20—25 The Incarnation of Christ 26—34 The Humiliation and Death of Christ 35^12 The Resurrection of Christ 43-46 The Ascension of Christ 47—51 The Holy Spirit . 52—55 The Trinity in Unity 56—60 The Church .... 61—67 Baptism 68—69 Confirmation 70 — 73 TheLord's Supper 74 Public Worship . . 75—79 Early Piety 80—88 Prayer 89—92 Self-Examination 93—94 Penitence 95—99 Faith in Jesus . . 100—103 Self-Dedication. 104—106 Teachableness.. 107—109 Fear of God.... 110—111 Watchfulness .. 112—115 Trust in Provi- dence 116—122 Contentment .. 123—128 Simplicity in Dress 129 BTJIJf The Use of the Lips 130—131 Obedience to Pa- rents 132 Love to Others . 133—134 Thanksgiving . . 135—140 Praise to Christ 141—150 Imitation of Christ 151—155 Reliance on Di- vine Grace . . 156—164 Spread of the Gospel 16-5—170 Restoration of the Jews 171—173 Times — Morning 174 — 177 Evening .... 178—180 Saturday Evening .. 181—182 Close of the Year 183 New Year 184 Seasons of the Year 185—187 Spring 188 Summer 189 Autumn 190 Winter 191 Sickness 192—194 Death 195—202 Judgment to Come 203—208 Heaven 209—215 Do-soJogies. i^mtig guttaWe for eaclj ^untiap, SELECTED WITH REFERENCE TO THE GENERAL SUBJECT OF THE COLLECT, OR TO SOME TOPIC PROMINENTLY EXPRESSED IN IT. HYMN HYMW 1 Sunday of Advent . 205 Whit Sunday. . . .... 54 2 „ „ 17 Trinity Sunday .... 60 3 63 1 Sunday aft/Trinity 158 4 „ „ 95 2 116 Sunday aft. Christmas 58 3 92 The Circumcision of 4 164 Christ 70 5 „ , 62 The Epiphany 34 6 309 1 Sund. aft. Epiphany 8 7 156 2 „ „ 121 8 161 3 „ „ 157 9 106 4 „ „ 115 10 89 5 „ v 71 11 9 6 „ „ 206 12 117 Septuagesima Sunday 99 13 210 Sexagesima „ 163 14 66 Quinquagesima „ 134 15 159 1 Sunday in Lent 113 16 53 2 „ „ .... 81 17 87 3 „ „ .... 119 18 104 4 „ „ .... 97 19 174 5 „ „ .... 120 20 175 Sunday next before 21 102 Easter 154 22 12 23 90 1 Sunday after Easter 42 24 100 2 „ „ 151 25 10 3 „ „ 55 Christmas Day.. .... 26 4 „ „ 109 Ash Wednesday .... 98 5 „ „ 96 Good Friday . . 4 1, 64, 166 Sunday after Ascen- Ascension Day . . .... 47 sion Day 48 £i)e Horn's &ag. "Remember tliat thou keep holy the Sabbath day." "Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law." — The Commlxiox. 1. L.M. 1 A XOTHER six days' work is done, II Another Sabbath is begun ; Beturn, my soul, enjoy thy rest, Improve the day thy God hath blest. 2 0 that our thoughts and thanks may rise, As grateful incense, to the skies; And draw from Heaven that sweet repose, Which none but he that feels it knows. 3 In holy duties let the day, In holy pleasures, pass away ; How sweet, a Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end ! 2. CM. 1 rpHIS is the day when Christ arose J- So early from the dead ; Why should I keep mine eyelids closed, Or waste my hours in bed ? is THE LORD S DAY. 2 This is the day when Jesus broke The powers of death and hell ; And shall I still wear Satan's yoke, And love my sins so well? 3 To-day with pleasure Christians meet To pray and hear thy word, And I would go with cheerful feet, To learn thy will, 0 Lord. 4 I'll leave my sport, to read and pray, And so prepare for Heaven ; 0 may I love this blessed day The best of all the seven! ■T CM. O-DAY God bids his children rest, To-day He showers his grace : " Seek ye my face," the Lord hath said ; Lord, we would seek thy face. 0 may we please our God to-day, Let this be all our care; Give, Lord, thy grace, lest evil thoughts Should mingle in our prayer. Let thy good Spirit help our souls With faith thy word to hear; Be present in thy temple, Lord, And let us find Thee near. THE LORD S DAY. 4. C. M. 1 rpHE Lord of Sabbath let us praise, J- In concert with the blest, Who, joyful, in harmonious lays Employ an endless rest. 2 Thus, Lord, while we remember Thee, True happiness we know ■ In hymns of praise we leam to be Triumphant here below. 3 On this glad day a brighter scene Of glory was displayed, By God, the Eternal Word, than when The universe was made. 4 He rises, who our souls hath bought With grief and pain extreme : 'Twas great to speak a world from nought, 'Twas greater to redeem. 5. L.M. 1 T ORD, how delightful 'tis to see -Li A whole assembly worship Thee: At once they sing, at once they pray, They hear of Heaven, and learn the way. B 2 THE LORDS DAY. I have been there, and still would go, 'Tis like a little Heaven below; Not all my pleasure, nor my play, Shall tempt me to forget this day. 0 write upon my memory, Lord, The texts and doctrines of thy word ; That I may break thy laws no more, But love Thee better than before. With thoughts of Christ, and things divine, Fill up this foolish heart of mine ; That, hoping pardon through his blood, 1 may he down, and wake, with God. 6. C. M. WHEN, 0 my Saviour, when shall I Behold Thee all serene ; Blest in perpetual Sabbath day, Without a veil between? Assist me while I wander here, Amidst a world of cares ; Incline my heart to pray with love, And then accept my prayers. Thy Spirit, 0 my Father, give, To be my guide and friend, To light my path to ceaseless joys, To Sabbaths without end. STije Suntjag Scfjool. " Ye shall provide that these children be virtuously brought up to lead a godly and a Christian life." — Baptism of Infants. /. CM. LOED, no forbidding voice is here To keep us from thy feet ; But Christian friends invite us near, Thy gracious call to meet. 0 teach and help us to improve The means by mercy given, To fill our hearts with truth and love, And lead our steps to Heaven. Though we are feeble, Thou, 0 Lord, Wilt keep us with thy might ; Though we are dark, thy heavenly word Can fill the mind with light. 0 look on those whose kind concern Would lead us to thy rest ; And with a blessing, Lord, return Then- gifts to every breast. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 8. CM. 1 TTEBE, Lord, before thy mercy-seat, •LJ- In Christ's prevailing name, Behold a band of children meet, Their Father's love to claim. 2 Our foolish hearts, alas, are slow To understand thy way ; 0 teach us, Lord, thy will to know, And help us to obey. 3 Kind are the friends who bring us here To learn thy holy word ; But vain is all their toil and care, Without thy blessing, Lord. 4 Fulfil their hopes ; thy grace display In eveiy youthful mind ; And while they guide us in thy way, Let them a blessing find. 9. L.M. 1 r\ THOU, who from the infant's tongue yJ Dost condescend to perfect praise, Almighty Father, hear the song Which we thy youthful servants raise. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 2 How blest are they, who early taught To know and love thy word of truth, Far from the sinners' path are brought To serve their Maker in their youth. 3 And blest be they, whose pious care Forbids our feet to go astray, Unfolds the Book of Truth, and there To life eternal points the way. 4 Accept our praise, 0 Lord, and still Let streams of heavenly goodness flow, That all the earth may learn thy will, And babes thy power and glory show. 10. CM. 1 A LMIGHTY God, thy word is cast jl\. Like seed into the ground ; Now let the dew of heaven descend, And righteous fruits abound. 2 Let not the foe of Christ and man This holy seed remove ; But give it root in every heart To bring forth fruits of love. 3 Let not the world's deceitful cares The rising plant destroy ; But make it yield a hundred fold, The fruits of peace and joy. CLOSE OF SCHOOL. 4 Oft as the precious seed is sown, Thy quickening grace bestow, That all whose minds the truth receive Its saving power may know. 11. 148th. 1 fXN what has now been sown, ^^ Thy blessing, Lord, bestow ; The power is thine alone, To make it spring and grow ; Do Thou the gracious harvest raise, And Thou alone shalt have the praise. 2 To Thee our wants are known, From Thee are all our powers ; Accept what is thine own, And pardon what is ours ; Our praises, Lord, and prayers receive, And to thy word a blessing give. 3 0 grant that each of us, Now met before Thee here. May meet together thus, When Thou and thine appear; And follow Thee to Heaven, our home; Even so, Amen, Lord Jesus, come. 'N CLOSE OF SCHOOL. 12. 7's. OW may He, who from the dead Brought the Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, our King and Head, All our souls in safety keep. 2 May He teach us to fulfil What is pleasing in his sight, Perfect us in all his will, And preserve us day and night. 13. 7's. 1 T^OR a season called to part, J- Let us now ourselves commend, To the gracious eye and heart Of our ever present Friend. 2 Jesus, hear our humble prayer, Tender Shepherd of thy sheep, Let thy mercy and thy care, All our souls in safety keep. 14. 8.7. AY the grace of Christ our Saviour, XM And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favour, Rest upon us from above. THE HOLT SCRIPTURES. Thus may we abide in union, With each other and the Lord; And possess in sweet communion Joys which earth cannot afford. Cfte Jgolg Scripture " Holy Scripture contaiueth all things necessary to salvation." — Article vi. 15. CM. \ TTQW shall the young secure their hearts, JLJ- And guard their lives from sin ? Thy word the choicest rules imparts, To keep the conscience clean. 2 When once it enters to the mind, It spreads such light abroad, The meanest souls instruction find, And raise their thoughts to God. 3 'Tis like the sun, a heavenly light That guides us all the day; And through the dangers of the night, A lamp to lead our way. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Thy word is everlasting truth; How pure is every page ! That holy Book shall guide our youth, And weE support our age. 16. 7's. 'H OLY Bible, Book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine; Mine to tell me whence I came ; Mine to teach me what I am. 2 Mine to lead me in the way ; Mine to chide me when I stray ; Mine to show the sinners' doom ; Mine to guide to joys to come. 3 Mine a Saviour's grace to prove ; Mine to fill with peace and love ; Mine to comfort in distress ; Mine with promise sweet to bless. 4 Mine to show, by living faith, How to triumph over death ; 0 thou blessed Book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. 17. CM. 1 T71ATHER of mercies, in thy word J- What endless glory shines ! For ever be thy name adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; And life, and everlasting joys, Attend the blissful sound. 3 0 may these hallowed pages be My ever dear delight; And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. 4 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, Be Thou for ever near ; Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. 18. 8.8.6. 1 TT^AITH is the rock on which I rest, A- The firm persuasion in my breast, That all I read is true : How much to faith must children owe! Without it, they can nothing know Of things beyond their view. THE HOLY SCRirTURES. 2 Faith points me to a God above, Of matchless power, and boundless love, The Great Eternal One: Faith tells me, that the worlds I se3 Were made by his supreme decree, He spake — and it was done. 3 Faith shows a better world than these, A land of endless life and peace, A holy, happy place; Where those who serve, and please the Lord Shall surely have a large reward, Through his abounding grace. 4 By faith directed and sustained, The saints of old their conquest gained, Fought, and endured by faith : 0 Lord, on me this gift bestow, That I may serve Thee here below, And triumph over death. 19. L.M. 1 T HOLD the sacred Book of God, -L To hear, and keep, and use it, free ; But holy martyrs shed their blood, To win this Book of Life for me. GOD THE FATHER. 2 With steady faith in Christ alone, The threats of impious power they spurned ; And hold, that holy faith to own, They gave then- hodies to be burned. 3 With Jesus they are resting now; We love to speak their honoured names ; Oh may our lips and lives avow, The truth they kept through blood and flames. 4 So help us, Lord, to own thy name, Though hell oppose, and earth deride ; To keep the faith, despising shame, That faith for which our fathers died. <£cto tfje dfatSer, "We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we worship Thee, we glorify Thee, we give thanks to Thee, for thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty." — The Communion. 20. cm. 1 f^\ OME, let us join the hosts above, V_^ Now in our youngest days ; Remember our Creator's love, And sing our Father's praise. GOD THE FATHER. 2 The humble songs of children rise, And reach the King of kings, Whose goodness never will despise The day of feeble things. 3 He loves to be remembered thus, And honoured for his grace ; Out of the mouths of babes like us His wisdom perfects praise. 4 Glory to God, and praise, and power, Honour and thanks be given; Children and Cherubim adore The Lord of earth and Heaven. 21. D.L.M. 1 rpHE spacious firmament on high, -L With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. The unwearied sun, from day to day, Doth his Creator's power display ; And publishes to every land, The work of an Almighty hand. GOD THE FATHER. Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the listening earth Repeats the story of her birth ; While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets, in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark terrestrial ball; What though no real voice, nor sound, Amid their radiant orbs be found; In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth their glorious voice; For ever singing, as they shine, " The Hand that made us is Divine." 22. 149th. 1 r\ WOESHIP the King, vy All glorious above, 0 gratefully sing His power and his love ; Our Shield and Defender, The Ancient of days, Pavilioned in splendour, And girded with praise. GOD THE FATHER. The earth, with its store Of wonders untold, Almighty! thy power Hath founded of old; Hath established it fast By a changeless decree, And round it hath cast, Like a mantle, the sea. Thy bountiful care What tongue can recite? It breathes in the air, It shines in the light ; It streams from the hills, It descends to the plain, And sweetly distils In the dew and the rain. Frail children of dust, And feeble as frail, In Thee do we trust, Nor find Thee to fail : Thy mercies how tender, How firm to the end, Our Maker, Defender, Kedeemer, and Friend! GOD THE FATHER. 23. cm. 1 \T7"H0 taught the bird to build her nest, » » Of wool, and hay, and moss? Who taught her how to weave it best, And lay the twigs across? 2 Who taught the busy bee to fly Among the sweetest flowers? And lay her store of honey by, To eat in winter hours ? 3 Who taught the little ant the way Her narrow hole to bore, And through the pleasant summer day To gather up her store ? 4 'Twas God who taught them all the way, And gave them all their skill; And teaches children how to pray, And do his holy will. 24. 8.7. 1 T)EAISE the Lord, ye heavens, adore Him; JL Praise Him, angels, in the height; Sim and moon, rejoice before Him, Praise Him. all ye stars and light. GOD THE FATHER. 2 Praise the Lord in glory seated, Heaven and earth, and sea and land; At his word ye were created, By his powerful strength ye stand. 3 Praise the God of cm- salvation ; Hosts on high his power proclaim ; Heaven and earth, and all creation, Praise and magnify his name. 25. L.M. 1 T3EF0EE Jehovah's awful throne, J-J Ye nations, bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create and He destroy. 2 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men ; And when like wandering sheep we strayed, He brought us to his fold again. 3 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. 4 Wide as the world is thy command ; Vast as eternity thy love ; Firm as a rock thy truth shall stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. Cje Incarnation of (Efjrtst. " Jesus Christ, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from Heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man."— Nicexe Creed. 26. 7s. 1 FT ARK, the herald angels sing, _LA " Glory to the new-born King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled." 2 Joyful all ye nations rise, Join the triumph of the skies ; With the angelic host proclaim, " Christ is born in Bethlehem." 3 Christ in highest heavens adored : Christ the everlasting Lord : Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, Hail the Incarnate Deity. 4 Mild He lays his glory by, Born that man no more may die ; Bora to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST. " Glory to the new-horn King ; " Let us all the anthem sing ; " Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled." 27. D. C. M. WHILE shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around : "Fear not," said he, for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind ; " Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you, and all mankind. " To you, in David's town, this day, Is born of David's line, A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, And this shall be the sign : The heavenly Babe you there shall find, To human view displayed, All meanly wrapt in swathing-bands. And in a manner laid." THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 8 Thus spake the Seraph, and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels praising God, who thus Addressed their joyful song: "All glory he to God on high, And on the earth be peace ; Goodwill, henceforth, from Heaven to men, Begin, and never cease." 28. 7's. 1 T) EIGHT and joyful is the morn, -U For to us a Child is bom ; From the highest realms of Heaven, Unto us a Son is given. 2 On his shoulder He shall bear Power and majesty; and wear On his vesture, and his thigh, Names most awful, names most high. 3 Wonderful in counsel He, The Incarnate Deity; Sire of ages ne'er to cease, King of kings, and Prince of peace. 4 Come, and worship at his feet, Yield to Christ the homage meet ; From his manger to his throne, Homage due to God alone. THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 29. 8.7. 1 TTABK, what mean those holy voices, -CI Sweetly sounding through the skies? Lo, the angelic host rejoices, Heavenly hallelujahs rise. 2 Listen to the wondrous story "Which they chant in hymns of joy: " Glory in the highest, glory, Glory be to God most high. 3 " Peace on earth, and sin forgiven, We to erring man proclaim; Christ is born, the Lord from Heaven : Mortals, hear, and bless his name." 30. cm. 1 TTARK the glad sound, the Saviour comes, J- J- The Saviour promised long ; Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 He comes the prisoners to release, In Satan's bondage held ; The gates of brass before him burst, The iron fetters yield. THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 3 He comes the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure ; And with the treasures of his grace To enrich the humble poor. 4 Our glad hosannahs, Prince of peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim; And Heaven's eternal arches ring "With thy beloved name. 31. 8.8.6. 1 TTIS kingdom comes, ye saints rejoice, -L-L Let earth and Heaven unite their voice, To swell the lofty strain : Proclaim the joyful news abroad; The Prince of peace, the mighty God, He comes on earth to reign. 2 Before the glories of his face Let mortal man his pride abase, And every idol fall: Prostrate be every haughty foe, The pomp and power of earth lie low, And God be all in all. THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 32. 7's. 1 O ONS of men, behold from far, ^ Hail the long expected star; — Jacob's star, that gilds the night, Guides bewildered nature right. 2 Fear not hence that there should flow Wars or pestilence below: Wars it bids, and tumults, cease, Ushering in the Prince of peace. 3 Mild it shines on all beneath, Piercing through the shades of death ; Scattering error's wide-spread night, Kindling darkness into light. 4 Sing, ye morning stars, again, God descends to dwell with men ; Deigns for man his life to employ, Shout, ye sons of God, for joy. 33. p.m. 1 "OPJGHTEST and best of the sons of the -D morning ! Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid; Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Eedeemer is laid. THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 2 Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining, Low lies his bed with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore Him in slumber reclining, Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all. 3 Say, shall we yield Him in costly devotion, Odours of Edom, and offerings divine ; Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine? 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gifts would his favour secure ; Kicher by far is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning ! Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid; Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 34. 8.7. 1 TTAIL, Thou source of every blessing, J— L Sovereign Father of mankind ; Gentiles now, thy grace possessing, In thy courts admission find. 2 Now revealed to eastern sages, See the star of mercy shine : Mystery hid in former ages, Mystery great of love divine. 3 Once far off, but now invited, We approach thy sacred throne ; In thy covenant united, All thy children now are one. 4 Hail, Thou all-inviting Saviour; Gentiles we our offerings bring , In thy temple seek thy favour, Own Thee Christ, oiu* Lord and King. &f)e Jgumtltation anto Beatf) of artist "Oiu1 Saviour Christ, both God and man, did humble Himself even to the death upon the Cross, for us, miserable sinners." — The Communion. 35. 7s. 1 /^1 HRIST is merciful and mild, V^ He was once a little child ; He whom heavenly hosts adore Lived on earth among the poor- 2 Every bird can build its nest; Foxes have their place of rest ; He, by whom the world was made, Had not where to lay his head. 3 He who is the Lord most high, Then was poorer far than I, That I might hereafter be, Eich to all eternity. THE HUMILIATION. 36. 7's. 1 T)Y thy birth, and early years; -D By thy griefs, and human fears ; By thy fasting and distress In the lonely wilderness ; By thy victory in the hour Of the subtle tempter's power ; Jesus, look with pitying eye; Hear our solemn litany. 2 By the blood upon thy brow; By thine agonizing vow ; By the purple robe of scorn ; By thy wounds, thy crown of thorn, Cross and passion, pangs and cries ; By thy perfect sacrifice ; Jesus, look with pitying eye ; Hear our solemn litany. 3 By thy last expiring groan ; By the sealed sepulchral stone ; By thy triumph o'er the grave; By thy power from death to save ; Jesus, our ascended Lord, To thy throne in heaven restored ; Prince and Saviour, hear the cry Of our solemn litany. THE HUMILIATION 37. 8.7.4. HARK, the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary : See, it rends the rocks asunder, Shakes the earth, and veils the sky ; " It is finished!" Hear the dying Saviour cry. " It is finished ! " 0 what pleasure Do these sacred words afford ! Heavenly blessings, without measure, Flow to us through Christ our Lord : "It is finished!" Saints his dying words record. Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs; Children, join the glorious theme; All on earth, and all in Heaven, Join to praise Emmanuel's name : Hallelujah! Glory to the bleeding Lamb. 38. 7's. " TT is finished! " shall we raise -L Songs of sorrow, or of praise? Mourn to see the Saviour die, Or proclaim his victory? AND DEATH OF CHRIST. 2 If of Calvary we tell, How can songs of triumph swell? If of man redeemed from woe, How shall notes of mourning flow? 3 Ours the guilt that pierced his side, Ours the sin for which He died ; But the blood that flowed to-day Washed that sin and guilt away. 4 Lamb of God, thy death has given Pardon, peace, and hope of Heaven: " It is finished ! " let us raise Songs of thankfulness and praise. 39. c. m. 1X0, the destroying angel flies -Li To Pharaoh's stubborn land: The pride and power of Egypt dies By his avenging hand. 2 He passed the tents of Israel o'er, Nor poured the wrath divine : He saw the blood on every door, And owned the peaceful sign, 3 Lord, if my heart be sprinkled too With blood so rich as thine. Justice no longer shall pursue This guilty soul of mine. THE HUMILIATION 4 Jesus, our Passover, is slain, And has for us procured Deliverance both from Satan's chain, And God's avenging sword. 40. cm. 1 QO did the Hebrew prophet raise O The brazen serpent high ; The wounded felt immediate ease, The camp forbore to die. 2 " Look upward in the dying hour, And live," the prophet cries : But Christ performs a nobler cure When faith lifts up her eyes. 3 High on the cross the Saviour hung ; High in the heavens He reigns : Here sinners, by the old serpent stung, Look and forget their pains. 4 Where God's own Son is lifted up, A dying world revives ; The Jew beholds the glorious hope. The expiring Gentile lives. AND DEATH OF CHRIST. 41. CM. HOW condescending and how kind Was God's eternal Son; Our misery reached his heavenly mind, And pity brought Him down. When justice, by our sins provoked, Drew forth its di-eadful sword, He gave his soul up to the stroke, Without a murmuring word. This was compassion like a God, That when the Saviour knew The price of pardon was his blood, His pity ne'er withdrew. Now, though He reigns exalted high, His love is still as great ; Well He remembers Calvary, Nor let his saints forget. 42. cm. AND did the Holy and the Just, The Sovereign of the skies, Stoop down to wretchedness and dust, That guilty men might rise? THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. Yes ! the Redeemer left his throne, His radiant throne on high ; Surprising mercy, love unknown — To suffer, bleed, and die. 0 Lord, what heavenly wonders dwell In thy atoning blood; By this are sinners saved from hell, And rebels brought to God. What glad return can I impart For favours so divine ? 0 take my all, this worthless heart, And make it wholly thine. W$% Insurrection of Otfjrtsi "Jesus Christ, our Lord, by death hath destroyed death, and by his rising to life again hath restored to us everlasting life."— The Communion. 43. 7's. 1 TESTIS Christ is risen to-day, Hallelujah! *J Our triumphant holy day ; „ Who so meekly on the cross „ Suffered to redeem our loss ; THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. 2 Hymns of praise then let us sing — Hal. Unto Christ our heavenly King ; „ Who endured the cross and grave, ., Sinners to redeem and save ; „ 3 For the pains which He endured — Hal. Our salvation have procured ; „ Now He reigns eternal King, „ Where the angels ever sing ; Hallelujah ! 44. 7's. 1 " p HEIST, the Lord, is risen to-day," v-^ Sons of men and angels say; Kaise your songs of triumph high, Sing ye heavens, and earth reply. 2 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ hath burst the gates of hell; Death in vain forbids his rise, Christ hath opened Paradise. 3 Lives again our glorious King ; Where, 0 Death, is now thy sting? Once He died our souls to save ; Where's thy victory, 0 Grave? THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. Soar we now where Christ hath led, Following our exalted Head : Made like Him, like Him we rise, Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. 45. 148th. THE happy morn is come ; Triumphant o'er the grave, The Saviour leaves the tomb, Omnipotent to save ; Captivity is captive led, For Jesus liveth that was dead. Who now accuses them For whom their Surety died ? Who now shall those condemn Whom God hath justified? Captivity is captive led, For Jesus liveth that was dead. Christ hath the ransom paid, The glorious work is done ; On Him our help was laid, By Him our victory won : Captivity is captive led, For Jesus liveth that was dead, THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. 46. 8.8.6. 1 r\ JOYFUL sound! 0 glorious hour! V/ When Jesus by eternal power Eevived and left the grave : In all his works behold Him great; Before, Almighty to create, Almighty now to save. 2 The first begotten from the dead, Behold Him rise, his people's Head, To make their life secure ; They too like Him shall yield their breath, Like Him shall burst the bands of death, Their resurrection sure. 3 Why should his people fear the grave, Since He who died their souls to save Will raise their bodies too? What though their earthly house shall fail, Almighty power will yet prevail, And build it up anew. Cfje Ascension of (ftjrtet. " Jesus Christ, our Lord, ascended up into Heaven to prepare a place for us, that, where He is, we might also ascend, and reign with Him in glory.' —The Communion. 47. 7's. GLORY, glory, to our King ; Crowns unfading wreathe his head ; Jesus is the name we sing, Jesus risen from the dead, Jesus, Conqueror o'er the grave, Jesus, mighty now to save. Jesus is gone up on high, Angels come to meet their King ; Shouts triumphant rend the sky, While the Victor's praise they sing : " Open now the heavenly gates, 'Tis the King of glory waits." Now behold Him high enthroned, Glory beaming from his face, By adoring angels owned God of holiness and grace : 0 for hearts and tongues to sing " Glory, glory, to our King." THE ASCENSION OP CHRIST. 48. 8.7.4. LOOK, ye saints, the sight is glorious, See the Man of Sorrows now, From the fight returned victorious, Every knee to Him shall bow : Crown Him, crown Him, Crowns become the victor's brow. Crown the Saviour, angels, crown Him ; Eich the trophies Jesus brings ; In the seat of power enthrone Him, While the vault of Heaven rings : Crown Him, crown Him, Crown the Saviour, King of kings. Hark, those bursts of acclamation ; Hark, those loud triumphant chords ; Jesus takes the highest station, 0 what joy the sight affords ! Crown Him, crown Him, King of kings, and Lord of lords. 49. 148th. LL hail, victorious Lord, At God's right hand above, Triumphant o'er thy foes, Triumphant in thy love; 'A: THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST. To Thee our joyful songs we bring, To Thee we bow, all-conquering King. 2 All hail, exalted Priest, To Thee our praise we give, Enthroned above the skies, All homage to receive ; There deign on our behalf to plead, Yea, there for ever intercede. 50. L. M. 1 rpHE Saviour lives, no more to die, J- He lives, the Lord enthroned on high ; He lives triumphant o'er the grave, He lives eternally to save. 2 He lives to still his people's fears, He lives to wipe away their tears, He lives to plead for them above, He lives to bless them with his love. 3 He lives their mansions to prepare, He lives to bring them safely there, He lives, their kind unchanging Friend, He lives and loves them to the end. 'T THE HOLY SPIRIT. 51. L. M. HE Lord who once on Calvary bled, And rose triumphant from the dead, Maintains in Heaven his seat of grace, The Friend of man's apostate race. There as our Advocate He reigns, Touched 'with the feeling of our pains ; And still remembers in the skies, His tears, and groans, and agonies. Then let us come before his throne, And freely make our sorrows known ; Assured, with such a Friend to plead, Of grace to help in time of need. GHje Jgolg Spirit "I believe in God the Holy Ghost, who sancti- fieth me, and all the elect people of God." — Catechism. 52. L. M. 1 O PIRIT of mercy, truth, and love, O 0 shed thine influence from above : And still from age to age convey The blessings of this sacred day. THE HOLY SPIRIT. In every clime, by every tongue, Be God's redeeming mercy sung ; Let all the listening earth be taught The wonders by the Saviour wrought. Eternal Comforter, and Guide, Still o'er thy favoured Church preside : Let every heart thy blessings prove, Spirit of mercy, truth, and love. 53. # 149th. 1 r\ SPIRIT of love, Vy Who dwellest on high, Descend from above, And answer our cry ; Thou ne'er hast denied us The blessings we crave ; Unerring to guide us, And mighty to save. 2 All fallen and weak, Polluted and blind, Thy comfort we seek, Thy light in the mind, Thy strength against evil, Thy succour within, To combat the devil, And overcome sin. The Hymns marked thus * are copyright. THE HOLY SPIRIT. 3 Though laden with guilt, And covered with shame, Revive us Thou wilt, With the blood of the Lamb: Receiving his merit For peace to the soul, The broken in spirit Are perfectly whole. 4 Thou Comforter true To the children of grace, Their love is thy due, Their worship and praise ; To Thee with the Father, To Thee with the Son, Our homage we offer — The Godhead is one. 54. s. m. LORD God, the Holy Ghost! In this accepted hour, As on the day of Pentecost, Descend in all thy power. The young, the old inspire, With wisdom from above ; And give ns hearts and tongues of fire, To pray, and praise, and love. THE HOLY SPIRIT. Spirit of light, explore, And chase our gloom away With lustre shining more and more Unto the perfect day. Spirit of truth, be Thou In life and death our guide ; 0 Spirit of adoption, now May we be sanctified. 55. L.M. COME, gracious Spirit, source of love, With light and comfort from above ; Be Thou our guardian, Thou our guide, O'er every thought and step preside. Conduct us safe, conduct us far, From every sin, and hurtful snare ; Lead to thy word, that rules must give, And teach us lessons how to live. Lead us to holiness, the road That we must take to dwell with God ; Lead us to Christ, the living way, Nor let us from his footsteps stray. Lead us to God, our final rest, In his enjoyment to be blest; Lead us to Heaven, that we may share Fulness of joy for ever there. £f)e ftrimtg in Winitv. "0 holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three Persons and one God, have mercy upon us, mise- rable sinners." — Litany. 56. p.m. 1 TJOLY, Holy, H0I7! Lord God Almighty! J— L Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee ; Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and mighty, God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity ! 2 Holy, Holy, Holy ! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Cherubim and Seraphim falling down before Thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore wilt be. 3 Holy, Holy, Holy! though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see, Only Thou art holy: there is none beside Thee, Perfect in power, in love, and purity. THE TRINITY IN UNITY. 4 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! All thy works shall praise thy name, earth, and sky, and sea : Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and mighty! God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity! 57. 7's. 1 r\ LOEY to the Father give, vX God in whom we move and live : Children's prayers to Him are dear, Children's praise He deigns to hear. 2 Glory to the Son we bring, Saviour, Prophet, Priest, and King : Children, raise your sweetest strain, Christ the Lord for you was slain. 3 Glory to the Holy Ghost, He reclaims the sinner lost : Children's minds his grace inspires, Moves their souls to pure desires 4 Glory then from children be To the Holy Trinity: To the God who reigns above, Three in one, the God of love. THE TRES'ITY IN UNITY. 58. L. M. 1 T71ATHER of Heaven, -whose love profound -L A ransom for our souls hath found; Before thy throne we sinners bend, To us thy pardoning love extend. 2 Almighty Son, Incarnate Word; Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord; Before thy throne we sinners bend, To us thy saving grace extend. 3 Eternal Spirit, by whose breath The soul is raised from sin and death; Before thy throne we sinners bend, To us thy quickening power extend. 4 Jehovah, Father, Spirit, Son, Mysterious Godhead, Three in One; Before thy throne we sinners bend, Grace, pardon, life to us extend. 59. 148th. 1 TT7"E give immortal praise VV To God the Father's love, For all our comforts here, And better hopes above; He sent his own eternal Son To die for sins that man had done. THE T1UN1TY IN UNITY. To God the Son belongs Immortal glory too ; Who bought us with his blood From everlasting woe ; And now He lives, and now He reigns, And sees the fruit of all his pains. To God the Spirit's name Immortal worship give, Whose new-creating power Makes the dead sinner live ; His work completes the great design, And fills the soul with joy divine. Almighty God, to Thee Be endless honours done; The undivided Three, And the mysterious One; Where reason fails with all her powers, There faith prevails, and love adores. 60. 8.8.6. TO God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, In earth and Heaven adored, Our hearts, and hands, and lips we raise, With humble prayer, and grateful praise, And own our Sovereign Lord. THE CHURCH. 2 Father, Eedeemer, Heavenly Guide, May we by faith in Thee abide, And bless thy constant love ; Till we in Heaven thy glory see, And praise Thee through eternity, With angel hosts above. £f)e (Kjurcj, "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church; The Communion of Saints." — The Cbeed. 61. CM. 1 /^1 HEIST is the sure foundation stone yJ Which God in Zion lays, To build our heavenly hopes upon, And his eternal praise. 2 Though foolish builders may despise. And treat it with disdain, Yet on this rock the Church shall rise, And foes shall rage in vain. 3 What if the powers of hell withstood, Yet must the building rise; 'Tis thine own work, Almighty God, And wondrous in our eyes. THE CHURCH. 62. cm. 1 T)EHOLD, the mountain of the Lord JJ In latter days shall rise ; Exalted high above the hills, And towering to the skies. 2 To this the joyful nations round, All tribes and tongues shall flow; "Up to the mount of God," they'll cry, " And to his house we go." 3 The light that shines from Zion's hill Shall lighten every land : The King, who reigns in Zion's towers, Shall all the world command. 4 Then come, ye favoured of the Lord, To worship at his shrine ; And humbly walking in his light, With holy beauty shine. 63.* s.m. 1 pKEAT Shepherd of the sheep, vX Look down on those, we pray, Whom Thou hast set thy flock to keep, And guide them in thy way. THE CHURCH. 2 The pastors of our land With light and grace fulfil; With fight thy word to understand, With grace to do thy will. 3 Spirit of might, support Their work with large success ; To every soul whom Christ hath bought, Their ministration bless. 64. 112th. 1 T OED, cause thy face on us to shine, -Li Give us thy peace, and seal us thine : Then, one our faith, and one our Lord, One body, spirit, hope, reward ; A true communion we shall see, One with each other, one with Thee. 2 Ble3S all whose voice salvation brings, Who minister in holy things ; Let many, turned from error's way, Arise, and in the judgment day, Their hope, their joy, their crown appear: Bless those who preach, and those who hear. THE CHURCH. 65. L.M. 1 T ORD, 'tis a pleasant thing to stand -Li In gardens planted by thy hand; Let me within thy courts be seen, Like a young cedar, fresh and green. 2 There grow thy saints in faith and love, Blest with thine influence from above ; Not Lebanon with all its trees Yields such a comely sight as these. 3 The plants of grace shall ever thrive ; Nature decays, but grace must live ; Time, that doth all things else impair, Still makes them flourish strong and fair. 4 Laden with fruits of age, they show The Lord is holy, just, and true; None that attend his gates shall find A God unfaithful, or unkind. 66. 6's. I T71LUNG to the heedless winds, J- Or on the waters cast, Their ashes shall be watched, And gathered at the last ; THE CHURCH. While from that scattered dust, Around us, and ahroad, Shall spring a plenteous seed Of witnesses for God. 2 Jesus hath now received His martyred servants' breath ; Yet vain is Satan's boast Of victory in their death ; Still, still, though dead, they speak, And trumpet- tongued proclaim, To many a wakening land, Their Saviour's holy name. 67. c. m. 1 rpHE saints on earth, and those above, -L But one communion make ; Joined to their Lord in bonds of love, All of his grace partake. 2 One family, they dwell in Him, One Church, above, beneath ; Though now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death. 3 One army of the living God, To his commands they bow; Part of the host have crossed the flood, And part are crossing now. Lord Jesus, be our constant guide; Then, when the word is given, Shall death's cold flood its waves divide, And we shall pass to heaven. SSapttmn. "They that receive Baptism rightly are grafted into the Church; the promises of forgiveness of sins, and of our adoption to be the sons of God, by the Holy Ghost, are visibly signed and sealed." — Article xxvii. 68.* 149th. 1 TN infancy, Lord, J- To thy Baptism brought, And now in thy word So carefully taught ; Unless I believe What Thou hast revealed, How can I receive What that Baptism sealed? 2 The sign of the cross Then set on my brow, How sad were the loss, Should I forfeit it now ! That pledge of salvation To such as obey, 0 dire condemnation, To cast it away ! 3 My Saviour and God, Thy Spirit impart, That, washed with thy blood, And renewed in my heart; 1 may walk in thy ways, And share in thy love, Till I finish my days, And meet Thee above. 69. 112th. 1 T OKD, may the inward grace abound, J-J Through thine appointed outward sign ; A milder seal than Abraham found, Of blessings equally divine; Which opens glory to our view, Bright as the brightest hope he knew. 2 Type of the Spirit's living flow, Was poured on us the hallowed stream ; The cross was signed upon our brow, The solemn pledge of troth to Him, Who shed for us his precious blood, To seal the covenant of God. CONFIRMATION. Baptized into the Trinity, Adopted children of thy grace, 0 help us, Lord, to live to Thee, An humble, pure, and faithful race ; Instruct us, sanctify, defend, And crown with heavenly life our end. " Hereafter they shall not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully to fight uuder his banner against sin, the world, and the devil, and to continue Christ's faithful soldiers and ser- vants unto their lives' end." — Baptism of Infants. 70. 7's. 1 T)ARDONED through redeeming grace, -L In thy blessed Son revealed ; Worshipping before thy face, Lord, to Thee ourselves we yield. 2 Thou the sacrifice receive, Humbly offered through thy Son ; Quicken us in Him to live ; Lord, in us thy will be done. 3 By the hallowed outward sign, By the cleansing grace within, Seal, and make us wholly thine; Wash, and keep us free from sin. CONFIRMATION. 4 Called to bear the Christian name, May our lives and vows accord, And our every deed proclaim " Holiness unto the Lord." 71. 7's. 1 T ORD, before thy throne we bend, -Li Lord, to Thee our hopes ascend ; Servants to our Master true, May we yield Thee homage due ; Children — to our Father fly, God our Saviour, hear our cry. 2 From the heavens, thy dwelling place, Hear, and grant thy pardoning grace ; In temptation's dangerous hour, Leave us not beneath its power : God our Saviour, still be nigh, While we live, and when we die. 72. L.M. 1 A WED by a mortal's frown, shall I -£jL Fear to confess the Lord most high ? How then should I before Him stand ? How meet the terrors of his hand? CONFIRMATION. Shall I, to please the thoughtless throng, Soften thy truths, and smooth my tongue? Or, lured by idle pleasures, flee The cross, 0 Lord, endured by Thee ? Saviour, to Thee my spirit raise, Above the world, its scorn, or praise; To Thee, my heart may I resign, My life, my death, my all be thine. 73. L.M. ASHAMED of Jesus! Can it be? A mortal man ashamed of Thee ! Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days! Ashamed of Jesus ! Sooner far Let evening blush to own a star: He sheds the beams of light divine On this benighted soul of mine. Ashamed of Jesus ! Just as soon Let midnight be ashamed of noon : 'Tis midnight with my soul till He, Bright morning star, bids darkness flee. Ashamed of Jesus! of that Friend, On whom my hopes of Heaven depend ! No! when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. THE LORD S SUPPER. Ashamed of Jesus ! Yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away ; No tears to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. Till then — nor is the hoasting vain, Till then I boast a Saviour slain : And 0, may this my portion be, That Saviour not ashamed of me. STJje HorVs Supper, " To the end that vre should alway remember the exceeding great love of our Master and only Saviour, Jesus Christ, dying for us, He hath instituted and ordained holy mysteries, as pledges of his love, to our great and endless comfort." — The Communion. 74. cm. 1 A CCORDING to thy gracious word, -L±- In meek humility, This will I do, my dying Lord I will remember Thee. 2 Thy body broken for my sake, My bread from Heaven shall be ; Thy testamental cup I take, And thus remember Thee. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 3 Eemember Thee, and all thy pains, And all thy love to me; Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, Would I remember Thee. " We assemble and meet together to render thanks for the great benefits which we have received at his hands, to set forth his most worthy praise, to hear his most Holy Word, and to ask those things which are requisite and necessary as well for the body as the soul." — Liturgy. 75. L.M. 1 A LL people that on earth do dwell. ■^ Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice ; Him serve with fear, his praise forth tell, Come ye before Him, and rejoice. 2 The Lord, ye know, is God indeed, Without our aid He did us make ; We are his flock, He doth us feed, And for his sheep He doth us take. 3 0 enter then his gates with praise, Approach with joy his courts unto, Praise, laud, and bless his name always- For it is seemly so to do. PUBLIC "WORSHIP. 4 For why? The Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. 76. L. M. 1 TT7HEN children sing Jehovah's praise, » ' Solemn should be the notes they raise ; Each look, each thought, and every word, Be, " Holiness unto the Lord." 2 When children bow the knee in prayer, The great, the holy God is there ; Then should not every thought and word Be, "Holiness unto the Lord?" 3 Above, where angels happy dwell, Children the heavenly chorus swell ; And there the feeblest note that's heard Is, " Holiness unto the Lord." 4 Then how must angels grieve to hear The thoughtless song, the heartless prayer! Think, children, think — let every word Be, " Holiness unto the Lord." PUBLIC WORSHIP. 77. L.M. 1 TN God's own house for me to play, -L Where Christians meet to praise and pray, Is to profane that holy place, And mock the Almighty to his face. 2 Shall others pray, and I appear As if I had no God to fear? Or shall I still refuse to praise For mercies shown me all my days ? 3 Jesus, thy gracious aid afford, Make me attentive to thy word ; Nor let me be neglectful found, "Where grace and mercy so abound. 78. L. M. 1 /^i OME, Holy Spirit, calm my mind, V^ And fit me to approach my God ; Eemove each vain, each worldly thought, And lead me to thy blest abode. 2 Hast Thou imparted to my soul A living spark of heavenly fire? 0 kindle now the sacred flame, And make me burn with pure desire. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 3 Impress upon my wandering heart The love that Christ for sinners bore ; And give a new, a contrite heart, A heart my Saviour to adore. 79. 148th 1 T ORD of the worlds above, -Li How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of thy love, Thy earthly temples are! To thine abode my heart aspires, With warm desires to see my God. 2 0 happy souls that pray, Where God appoints to hear; 0 happy men that pay Their constant service there ! They praise Thee still, and happy they That love the way to Zion's hill. 3 They go from strength to strength Through this dark vale of tears ; Till each arrives at length, Till each in Heaven appears : 0 glorious seat of God our King, Lord, thither bring our willins; feet. <£at!3) $tetg. " Our Loi-d Jesus Christ doth not deny his grace and mercy unto Infants, but most lovingly doth call them unto Him, as the Holy Gospel doth witness to our comfort." — Private Baptism of Infants. 80. s.m. 1 f^ OME, children, come to God, Vy Cast all your sins away; Seek ye the Saviour's cleansing blood, Repent, believe, obey. 2 Say not ye cannot come; For Jesus bled and died That none, who ask in humble faith, Should ever be denied. 3 Say not ye will not come, When God vouchsafes to call, For fearful will their end be found On whom his wrath shall fall. 4 Come then whoever will, Come while 'tis called to-day, Seek ye the Saviour's cleansing blood, Eepent, believe, obey. EARLY PIETY. 81.* L,M. I T ET children to their God draw near J-J With reverence and with holy fear ; Let every knee before Him bend, Our Judge, our Saviour, and our Friend. 2 Lord, may thy mercies great and free, Fill us with gratitude to Thee ; And still, as through the world we go, Wore of these mercies may we know. 3 Far from our hearts, 0 Lord, remove The evil thoughts that sinners love, And give us wisdom, day by day, To choose the straight and narrow way. 4 In times of sickness, times of health, In times of poverty or wealth, And in our last and dying hour, Save us by thine Almighty power. 5 Then may we join the happy band That in thy heavenly temple stand ; And as thy goodness we adore. Sing glory, glory, evermore. i> EARLY PIETY. 82. L.M. 'B LEST Jesus! let an infant claim The favour to address thy name ; Thou wast so meek, that habes might be Encouraged to draw near to Thee. My gracious Saviour, I believe Thou wilt a little child receive ; Thy tender mercies, Lord, are free, Then why not love unworthy me ? To me a child, 0 Lord, impart A penitent believing heart ; 0 cleanse me with thy precious blood, And fill me with the fear of God. Though oft I en-, restore me still, And make me better do thy will : Till fitted by thy power and grace, 1 reach thy throne, and see thy face. 83. cm. LOKD, teach a little child to pray, Thy grace betimes impart ; And grant thy Holy Spirit may Renew my youthful heart. EARLY PIETY. A sinful creature I was bora, And from my birth have strayed; I must be wretched and forlorn Without thy mercy's aid. But Christ can all my sins forgive, And wash away their stain; Can fit my soul with Him to five, And in his kingdom reign. To Him let little children come, For He has said they may ; His bosom then shall be their home, Their tears he 11 wipe away. For all who early seek his face, Shall surely taste his love ; Jesus shall guide them by his grace, To dwell with Him above. 84. L. M. BESIDE the ark, by silent night, The lamp of God was burning bright, And there by holy angels kept, Samuel, the child, securely slept. A voice unknown the silence broke, " Samuel" it called, and thrice it spoke; He rose, and asked whence came the word, From Eli? No it was the Lord. d 2 EARLY PIETY. 3 Thus early called to serve his God, In paths of righteousness he trod ; Celestial visions filled his breast, And Israel's tribes in him were blest. 4 Speak, Lord, and from our earliest days Incline our hearts to love thy ways ; Thy wakening voice hath reached our ear, Speak, Lord, to us — thy servants hear. 85. cm. 1 f\ SAVIOUR., teach a child to pray; v^ I humbly kneel to Thee ; Through all the night, through all the day, My Friend and Guardian be. 2 Whilst here I live, 0 live with me, And when I'm called to die, Take up my soul to dwell with Thee, And sing thy praise on high. 86. 7's. 1 O AVIOUE, we would be thy sheep, O Hear thy voice, and follow Thee; Deign our youthful souls to keep, Then alone we safe shall be. EARLY PIETY. 2 Put us forth, that we may feed In the pastures of thy grace ; By refreshing waters lead To some quiet sacred place. 3 Saviour, we would follow Thee, Wheresoever Thou wilt call; Whether dark or bright it be, Whatsoever may befal. 4 Through earth's bleak and rugged ways May we ever hear thy voice; Then in danger we 3hall praise, And in sorrow shall rejoice. 87. 8.7.4. 1 QAVIOUR, like a shepherd lead us, O Much we need thy tender care ; In thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use thy folds prepare : Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, thine we are. 2 We are thine, do Thou befriend us, Be the guardian of our way; Keep thy flock, from sin defend us, Seek us when we go astray; Blessed Jesus, Hear young children when they pray. EARLY PIETY. 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be ; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and power to free : Blessed Jesus, Let us early turn to Thee. 4 Early let us seek thy favour, Early let us do thy will; Holy Lord, our only Saviour, With thy grace our bosoms fill : Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. 88. 8.7.4. 1 Q ING, 0 sing, the Saviours praises, O Children, join the choir to swell, Died for you the Holy Jesus, Died for you and us as well : Praise the Saviour, Let us all his goodness tell. 2 Let us leave our sinful pleasure ; What is all the world can give? Jesus! Thee we count our treasure; Life it is with Thee to live: 0 how happy They who early Thee receive. 3 Born of God, they walk before Thee, In the strait and narrow way, Pardoned and prepared for glory, Looking for that blissful day, When to Heaven Thou shalt call their souls away. 4 0 how happy, blest for ever, They who on thy love rely; Let thy grace, Almighty Saviour, Bring unnumbered thousands nigh : Hallelujah! Glory be to God most High. Itager- " Lift up your hearts." "We lift them up unto the Lord."— Communion. 89. s.m. I OFTEN say my prayers; But do I ever pray? And do the wishes of my heart Go with the words I say? 2 I may as well kneel down And worship gods of stone, As offer to the living God A prayer of words alone. 3 For words without the heart The Lord will never hear; Nor will he to that child attend, Whose prayers are not sincere. 4 Lord, teach me what I want, And teach me how to pray; Nor let me ask Thee for thy grace, Not feeling what I say. 90. cm. THE Lord attends when children pray, A whisper He can hear : He knows not only what we say, But what we wish or fear. He sees us when we are alone, Though no one else can see ; And all our thoughts to Him are known, Wherever we may be. 'Tis not enough to bend the knee, And words of prayer to say : The heart must with the lips agree, Or else we do not pray. 4 Teach us, 0 Lord, to pray aright, Thy grace to us impart, That we in prayer may take delight, And seek Thee with the heart. 91. CM. 1 T" ORD, teach us how to pray aright, -Li With reverence and with fear; Though dust and ashes in thy sight, We may, we must draw near. 2 God of all grace, we come to Thee, 0 give us contrite hearts ; Give, what thine eye delights to see, Truth in the inward parts. 3 Faith in the only sacrifice That can for sin atone ; To rest our hope, and fix our eyes On Christ — and Christ alone. 4 Help us with feiwency to pray, With grief to own our sin ; Then, God of grace! thy power display And give us peace within. 92. 7's. 1 f^\ OME, my soul, thy suit prepare, v^ Jesus loves to answer prayer ; He himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. 2 Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring ; For his grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much. 3 With my burden I begin, Lord, remove this load of sin ; Let thy blood for sinners spilt Set my conscience free from guilt. 4 Lord, I come to Thee for rest, Take possession of my breast ; There a Saviour's right maintain, And without a rival reign. 5 While I am a pilgrim here, Let thy love my spirit cheer; As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend, Lead me to my journey's end. Self'^xamtnatton. "Examine your lives and conversation by the rule of God's commandments."— The Communion. 93. cm. 1 /~1 OME, let us search our hearts, and try V-^ If all our ways be right; Is God's great rule of equity Our practice and delight? 2 Have we to others truly done, As we would have them do? Envious, unkind, and false to none; But always just and true? 3 In vain we speak of Jesu's blood, And place in Him our trust; If, while we boast our love to God, We prove to men unjust. 4 Thou, before whom we stand in awe, And tremble, and obey ; Write in our hearts thy perfect law, And keep us in thy way. SELF-EXAMINATION. 94. L,M. 1 T\ID I this morn devoutly pray J-' For God's assistance through the day? And did I read his sacred word To make my life therewith accord? 2 Did I for any purpose try To hide the truth, and tell a he? Was I obedient, humble, mild, Such as became a Christian child? 3 Did I my thoughts with prudence guide, Checking ill-humour, anger, pride? Did I with cheerful patience bear The little ills we all must share? 4 To all my duties through the day Did I a due attention pay? And did I when the day was o'er, God's watchful care again implore? 5 Search me, 0 God, and try my heart, If evil lurks in any part ; Correct me where I go astray, And guide me in thy perfect way penitence. " 0 Lord, have mercy upon us miserable offenders spare Thou them, 0 God, which confess their faults restore Thou them that are penitent." — Liturgy. 95. cm. SINKER, Lord, behold I stand, In thought, and word, and deed; But Jesus sits at thy right hand, For such to intercede. JA 2 To Heaven can reach the softest word, A child's repenting prayer; And tears are seen, and sighs are heard, And thoughts regarded there. 3 And Thou canst change this evil heart, Canst give a holy mind; And wilt that heavenly grace impart, Which those who seek shall rind. 4 Then let me all my sins confess, Pardon and help implore, That I may love my follies less, And love my Saviour more. PENITENCE. 96. s.m. 1 HHHY mercies and Thy lore, -L 0 Lord, recall to mind ; And graciously continue still, As Thou wert ever, kind. 2 Let all my youthful crimes Be blotted out by Thee; And for thy wondrous goodness' sake, In pity think on me. 3 His mercy and his truth, The righteous Lord displays, In bringing wandering sinners home, And teaching them his ways. 4 He those in wisdom guides, "Who his direction seek, And in his holy paths shall lead The humble and the meek. 97. D.C.M. LORD, turn not thy face away From them that lowly lie ; Lamenting sore their sinful life With tears and bitter cry. '0 PENITENCE. Thy mercy-gates are open wide To them that mourn then- sin ; 0, shut them not against us, Lord, But let us enter in. 2 We need not to confess our fault, For surely Thou canst tell; What we have done, and what we are, Thou knowest very well; Wherefore to beg and to entreat, With tears we come to Thee, .As children that have done amiss Fall at their father's knee. 3 And need we then, 0 Lord, repeat The blessing which we crave; When Thou dost know, before we speak, The thing that we would have? Mercy, Good Lord, mercy we ask, This is the total sum ; For mercy, Lord, is all our suit : 0, let thy mercy come. 98. s.m. 1 TTAVE mercy, Lord, on me, JUL As Thou wert ever kind; Let me, opprest with loads of guilt, Thy wonted mercy find. PENITENCE. 2 "Wash off my foul offence, And cleanse me from my sin ; For I confess my crime, and see How great my guilt has been. 3 Blot out my crying sins, Nor me in anger view; Create in me a heart that's clean, An upright mind renew. 99. L.M. 1 Q HEW pity, Lord, 0 Lord, forgive. O Let a repenting rebel live ; Are not thy mercies large and free? May not a sinner trust in Thee? 2 My crimes, though great, do not surpass The power and glory of thy grace; 0 God, thy nature hath no bound, So let thy pardoning love be found. 3 My lips, with shame, my sins confess, Against thy law, against thy grace : Lord, should thy judgment grow severe, 1 am condemned, but Thou art clear. 4 Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord, Whose hope, still hovering o'er thy word, Would light on some sweet promise there, Some sure support against despair. dFattf) in gosus. " Although we have sinned, yet have we an Advo- cate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and He is the propitiation for our sins." — Com- mixation.' L 100. CM. 1 A LMIGHTY God, thy piercing eye -£jL Strikes through the shades of night ; And our most secret actions lie All open to thy sight. 2 There's not a sin that we commit, Nor wicked word we say, But in thy dreadful book 'tis writ, Against the judgment-day. 3 And must the crimes that I have done Be read and published there ? Be all exposed before the sun, While men and angels hear? 4 Lord, at thy feet ashamed I lie, Upward I dare not look ; Pardon my sins before I die, And blot them from thy book. FAITH IX JESUS. 5 Eemember all the dying pains That my Redeemer felt, And let his blood wash out my stains, And answer for my guilt. 101. CM. 1 TTTHEN Thou, 0 Lord, shalt stand dis- » V closed, In majesty severe; And sit in judgment on my soul, 0, how shall I appear? 2 But Thou hast told the troubled soul, That doth her sins lament, Of Him who suffered unto death, Her sufferings to prevent. 3 Then never shall my soul despair Her pardon to procure, Who knows thine only Son hath died To make that pardon sure. 102. s.m. 1 ATOT all the blood of beasts -L i On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain. FAITH IX JESUS. 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away ; A sacrifice of nobler name, And richer blood than they. 3 My faith would lay her hand On that blest head of thine, While, like a penitent, I stand, And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burden Thou didst bear, When hanging on the accursed tree, And hopes her guilt was there. 5 Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove ; We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice, And sing his bleeding love. 103. cm. 1 A PPROACH, my soul, the mercy-seat, -£*. Where Jesus answers prayer, There humbly fall before his feet, For none can perish there. 2 Thy promise, Lord, is all my plea, With this I venture nigh : Thou callest burdened souls to Thee, And such indeed am I. SELF-DEDICATION. 3 Be Thou my shield and hiding-place, That sheltered near thy side, I may my fierce accuser face, And tell him Thou hast died. 4 0 wondrous love, to hleed and die, To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead thy gracious name. Setf-Befcicatton. " Here we offer and present unto Thee, O Lord, ourselves, our souls, and our bodies." — The Com- munion. 104. s.m. 1 Q AT AN, the world, and sin, O Entice me from my God ; Tempt me to leave the heavenly path, And tread the downward road. 2 0 Thou, who on the cross Didst for my guilt atone ; Preserve me by thy mighty power, And keep me for thine own. SELF-DEDICATION. 3 Thine by a thousand ties I am, and still would be ; Strengthen my faith, increase my love, And bind my soul to Thee. 105. L. M. 1 TT7HEN I survey the wondrous cross, VV On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the cross of Christ my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. 3 See from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet? Or thorns compose so rich a crown? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an offering far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my lite, my all. SELF-DEDICATION. 106. cm. 1 /~\ THAT the Lord would guide my ways vy To keep his statutes still ; 0 that my God would grant me grace To know and do his will. 2 Lord, send thy Spirit down to write Thy law upon my heart, Nor let my tongue indulge deceit, Nor act the liar's part. 3 Order my footsteps hy thy word, And make my heart sincere ; Let sin have no dominion Lord, But keep my conscience clear. 4 My soul hath gone too far astray; My feet too often slip ; Yet, since I've not forgot thy way, Restore thy wandering sheep. 5 Make me to walk in thy commands, 'Tis a delightful road ; Nor let my head, or heart, or hands, Offend against my God. - Give to all thy people increase of grace to hear meekly thy word, and to receive it with pure affection."— Litany. 107. 8.8.6. 1 T ORD, to thy feet I fain would go, JLi What Thou revealest I would know, And leave the rest to Thee; Patient, and teachable, and mild, Submissive, as befits a child, Clothed with humility. 2 In matters now for me too high, 0 may I ne'er presume to pry, But on thy truth recline ; That truth my stay, 0 may I be For evermore resigned to Thee, Here and hereafter thine. 108. c.m, 1 4 S Mary sat at Jesu's feet, -t\. To learn his sacred will ; So we may in his presence meet, And hear his teaching still. TEACHABLENESS. 2 0 for that meek attentive mind, Which happy Mary showed ; May we the one thing needful find That was on her bestowed. 3 Lord, make us to desire thy grace, The world may we refuse ; Thankful to sit in Mary's place Her better part to choose. 109. 7's. 1 T ORD, that I may learn of Thee, J-J Give me true simplicity; Seeking more of Thee to know. Weaned from vanities below. 2 Let me freely cast aside All that feeds my boastful pride; Always willingly submit, Meekly learning at thy feet. 3 Saviour, I would rest on Thee, Lowly as a child should be ; Seeing only in thy light, Walking only in thy might. 4 Let my treasure be thy love; Let the cross my glory prove ; In thy presence while I stay, None can take my hope away. dFeat of